CHAPTER 22 | Day 5 Part 3

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Denis returns to the cobble castle, as he's calling it, walking right over to the chests and dumping the stack or two of redstone he gathered inside. Redstone, if you're looking for it, is pretty easy to find - and there's always a lot of it. He's happy with what he's got here.

Albert runs in some time after, with a little less redstone but a lot more gunpowder.

"32! That's enough for..hmm...32 TNT!" Albert muses. "Brilliant!"

Denis is about to question Albert's maths, but then he remembers something Kreek mentioned a while back.

"Right, yeah, you only need one for TNT here. Are we making some, then?"

"Probably! Maybe I'll make firework rockets too, those could be ranged TNT. That would be fun." Albert's excitement at the possibility of blowing someone up is a little unnerving, Denis admits, but he's friends with Albert, he's used to this stuff by now.

"Well if you're going to do that, tell the others first."

"Oh, yeah, of couuurse." Albert responds, but he's definitely not planning to.

Almost as if on cue, Kreek and Sketch open the door to the base.

"We're back!" Kreek yells. "Oh, you guys are back too? Perfect! That means we can get even more work done."

Denis nudges Albert to remind him to ask.

"Can I make rocket launchers?"

"What?" Kreek and Sketch share a look of confusion. Denis shrugs and lets Albert explain - however, Albert doesn't explain. He just gives himself puppy dog eyes.


"Albert, you can't get rocket launchers here." Sketch states.

"If they use valuable resources, no. If they don't, you're fine." Kreek adds, thinking along a different line.

"Which they don't, because they do not exist."

"Actually, they do. You can make one using fireworks and...uh, I think it's a crossbow?" Denis clarifies.

"Oh." Sketch seems genuinely surprised at that.

"Then, no, Albert, we need the gunpowder for TNT, not fireworks. If you want to get some for yourself to make a rocket launcher, go ahead. How much did you guys get, anyway?"

"32!" Albert says, holding up the shrunken powder proudly. Kreek takes the chance to snatch half of it.

"Put the rest in the chests. I'll turn this into TNT, we've got sugarcane somewhere..." Kreek orders, walking over to the chests himself. "How much redstone did you get?"

"Over a stack's worth."

"Hand it over." Denis does so. "We'll start with the TNT, you two can-"

"I would appreciate some kind of thanks for doing your dirty work so early in the morning." Albert pokes Kreek in the middle of his sentence, cutting him off. Kreek rolls his eyes. "I'll bet we gathered more than you two did, anyway."

"Thanks." Kreek's too focused to argue - Sketch, however, has nothing better to do.

"Hey! We got tons of blaze rods and other assorted Nether items! Tons! And also 2 wither skulls, for your information."

Denis's eyes widen at the mention of a wither skull.

"Please don't summon a wither."

"We're not planning to, just gonna use it for nefarious purposes to make it look like we will!" Sketch explains, reassuring Denis's worries. Well, kinda.

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