CHAPTER 7 | Day 3 Part 1

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BigBStatz didn't end up going to sleep that early the night before. He and Pink were grinding for some more diamonds late at night - they'd like to get some of their tools enchanted, but Kreek and his boys are hogging the enchanter. Which is a bit annoying, but he can work with it.

So it meant that he hadn't gotten that much sleep when he woke up with a start, chest hurting like hell.

It took him a second to open his eyes, and a few extra seconds to sit up. He looks around the room, and over at PinkLeaf on the other side, who's tossing and turning in his bed. Someone else can't sleep, it seems.

BigB tries to hide his minor panic and make no noise as he turns away to the other side of his bed, looking outside of the window into the black sky. The stars shine down at him, twinkling. It's so dark he can see his reflection in the mirror.

Goodness, he's a bit of a mess, isn't he? Oh well, he's not sure what else he's expected.

Deep breaths, in, out, as he waits for the pain to subside. It's an easy regulation tactic he's learned over the course of the past 2 years.

And once it does, BigB takes off his sweater and takes a look at his chest.

A heart shaped scar has appeared there, new and fresh.

But it's not the first scar that's appeared. Oh no. In fact, it's nearly on top of an already healed and dried scar of the same shape next to it.

Of course, he knows exactly what this means. He knows exactly what to do - and what not to do - in the case he was the boogeyman.

BigB promised himself he won't make the same mistake as last time. He won't panic and lose everything like he did last time. Oh no, not anymore. This time, he'll be stronger, he'll last longer, and this time? He won't betray anybody.

(He might have to break some trust, though.)

BigB looks over at Pink. Ah, there's that...well, he likes to call it the "murder pox" again. At this point, he's able to suppress it easily.

He just wonders...why him again? G said that this should take the pressure off him and his friends, they won't need to keep getting into these why was he brought back? He doesn't know. Maybe there's a reason. Maybe they're punishing him for some transgression he wasn't aware he made.

Maybe there's not. Maybe he's just incredibly unlucky. He wouldn't be surprised, considering his luck in the past.

He looks over at his communicator. He sent a message to G a while ago, but he hasn't responded yet. He's probably totally busy with that big server he's in. Darn, he'll have to wait even longer.

It's fine. He honestly doesn't mind at this point, and he'd rather just prevent Pink from being affected in the same way he or his friends were. From what he's seen, Pink's already quite nervous about interacting with the others - what a way to be introduced. He'll make it as easy as he can.

Knowing full well the task that has been set for him, he waits for the pain to subside before going back to sleep.


Tanqr wakes up to the bright sun shining down, searing into his eyes directly through his window. Ow.

He sits up and pulls his hoodie over his eyes, stuffing his hair into it. Ah, sweet release. The main problem with building his base in a tree is that he keeps getting hit with that blasted sun.

Oh well.

What's the plan for today? Well, it's to get his sword enchanted, maybe his pickaxe too, maybe investigate into this 'nether' thing he's heard about, and figure out what to do with the sword he made for Hyper-

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