CHAPTER 10 | Day 3 Part 4

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Kreek thinks that Pink and BigB interesting base. It's a box. It's a decorated box, with a roof and windows, but it is still a box. That doesn't mean it's actually going to be that nice from the inside, or that useful.

Productivity is much more important than presentation, that's what he tells others when he looks like a hot mess.

(Which he is, but-)

(No, Kreek, confident thoughts. Come on.)

He's chatting idly with his teammates, and the duo in front, about anything and everything. Mainly, it's Albert just bringing up the wildest things, as per usual.

"Hey so what if we could steal lives? Like what if I stole someone's communicator and made me give them a life?" he asks, malicious intent clear in his voice.

"Albert, I think that's against the rules." BigB answers.

"What rules?

"The ones that were set at the beginning of the server, dummy. You know, by that weird 'Server' person?" Kreek chides, leading to a chuckle from Albert.

"Those aren't rules , they're suggestions by whomever trapped us here." Albert smirks as Kreek hears Pink angrily sigh in front of him.

"And even if there are rules, it doesn't look like there's any punishment for breaking them." Sketch adds, shrugging. "Other than a loud screech in my ears."

"That's probably the punishment, then." Denis looks mildly unamused. "Torture using sounds."

"Which is easy to get used to. Denis, give me your communicator."

Kreek defeatedly sighs as Denis struggles to prevent another life of his from getting stolen.

"No, Albert, I've learned my lesson."



Kreek ends up tuning out the argument and focusing on what's ahead, what he needs to get done. He's not got the energy to deal with his teammates' nonsense right now.

Maybe he should've stayed tuned in, though, because as soon as he stops focusing on them, it hits again. Something tells Kreek that he needs to run, that he can't trust BigB and Pink so easily. It's just doubt, as per usual. He'll be careful, he tells himself, and if they try anything he can fight back if he needs to.

And that's how it is, as the group crosses the river (Pink jumped over, much to Kreek's chagrin. What a showoff.) over to Pink and BigB's base on the other side.


"Okay, sweet, they're gone!" Tanqr says, full volume now, and he starts to dig directly up, first with his pickaxe, then with his axe through wood, until finally rays of light shine into the tunnel.

"Finally, fresh daylight." Hyper mumbles.

"You sound like you just aged forty years in 2 minutes. Cheer up." Tanqr rolls his eyes, much to Hyper's chagrin. But the two are past the point of no return - they're doing this, or they're cowards. And Tanqr is not a coward.

(Hyper is, but he'd rather Tanqr not be able to leverage that above his head.)

Tanqr mines out a hole on top of where Hyper's standing, filling his inventory with useless blocks, until Hyper can look up and see the room above.

"Well, build up." Tanqr instructs. "I'll hop on after you do, I'd rather keep a hole down here, for ease of escape." Hyper doesn't protest. He never thought he'd be more annoyed with Tanqr than scared of him, but annoyance beats terror any day.

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