CHAPTER 9 | Day 3 Part 3

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Sketch sits on the apex of the mountain, which for him is right in front of the walls of his- sorry, their base. He's on the lookout for BigB and PinkLeaf, as they need to trade - once they're here, he'll let them in. Albert had offered to do it, but Kreek refused to let him - Albert's not the most trustworthy of eyes, apparently.

(Says the dude who's basically half blind. Wait, that's the reason he didn't do it himself, isn't it? Damn it, Sketch, you've just made your own roast moot.)

It's not relevant. For now, he needs to focus. Kreek told him not to let anyone else in. As if anyone else would care.

Over on the horizon, Sketch spots two figures walking towards his base. One much taller than the other, though from a distance, he can't make out many other features. Well, BigB's tall, Pink's short, so that must be them, right?

"BigB! Pink! Over here!" He yells, waving at the two, but the two figures don't pay attention to him, continuing to walk into the trees on the other side of the river - and disappear from view.

"Ugh, okay, gonna find your own way then."

"Hi, Sketch!" comes a voice from his left side, to which Sketch whips around.

BigB and Pink walk up to him from the complete other side of the mountain. Neither seem tired out, surprisingly. It seems BigB was the one who spoke.

"Thanks for calling out. We had no idea where the entrance is in this monstrosity." Pink quips, much to the confusion of Sketch.

"Wait, weren't y-"

"It's actually Kreek's handiwork, but we've just claimed ownership of it." says Albert, who's just here now, okay. Thanks for making it harder for Sketch to do his job.

"Well, compliments to Kreek. You're definitely going to be safe with this thing." BigB adds, smiling, and Pink mumbles his agreements. It feels oddly staged, though maybe it's just a combination of two awkward dudes socialising.

Oh, now after seeing those two figures he's just suspicious of everything. This way to paranoia!

Sketch smiles serenely and beckons the two inside. Better to act nice, so if something's up, he can deal with it without any suspicion.

"Alright, let's get your stuff enchanted."


"Okay, so, armour, Protection's obviously the one most people go for, you can probably get that very easily. But if it doesn't come up, Blast Protection and Projectile Protection are good - Blast deals with TNT, Projectile deals with arrows and stuff. You're a long ranged fighter, so if you're gonna get into a bow fight, that will be-" Hyper's mid ramble when Tanqr grabs him and covers his mouth for a solid ten seconds, leaving Hyper very confused while Tanqr pulls them both behind a tree.

After the ten seconds are up, Tanqr releases Hyper, who takes a very shaky inhale of air again.

"Whew, that was close. I think Sketch saw us there." Tanqr whispers. "But he got distracted by PinkLeaf- '' Tanqr says Pink's name with a twinge of malice. Where did Tanqr garner such hate for a child? "-and BigB, so we're good."

"I mean, maybe Sketch was just looking in our general direction?" Hyper responds, shrugging. "You can never tell where he's looking with that censor bar."

"No, he saw us, for certain. He called out."

"Oh. I didn't hear."

"How did you not even hear that?"

Tanqr reminds himself not to laugh and peeks his head out to the top of the mountain. He sees the quartet (when did Albert get there?) go inside the base. Hyper nudges him.

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