CHAPTER 17 | Day 4 Part 4

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BigB half-drags, half-carries an extremely weak PinkLeaf out of the nether fortress and into a corner, hidden from all the mobs. Pink's trying to walk on his own, insisting that he's still able to walk, but some of the blazes burned him pretty bad, so BigB would rather he's able to get out quickly.

"You alright?" BigB asks, sympathetically, giving Pink a steak to eat. Pink takes it quickly and sits up.

"That was painful. Can we go home now?" Pink mumbles out.

"Yeah, we can go. We got a lot of things, didn't we? Lots of blaze rods, nether wart...hey, even a wither skull! We'll have to keep that hidden." BigB doesn't want to see any withers get summoned. "You did really well out there."

"Thanks." Pink smiles weakly, but he's got enough strength to get up. "Okay, let's get out of here. I'm overheating."

"Me too."

The two run through the Nether, trying to stay away from any mobs and make it back to the portal. Pink doesn't hesitate to jump through, and BigB follows after.

Pink takes a second to sit on the mountain and revel in the cold breeze on top. It's relieving, now he's not boiling hot anymore.

But then his moment of calm is interrupted by hearing yelling from nearby.

The two look at each other in confusion before they walk over to the edge of the hill, before both immediately becoming incredibly confused by the sight of what's going on at the river.

"What on earth is going on down there? What did we miss? Again? " Pink questions, mild annoyance obvious in his voice.

"I have no idea, but it looks dramatic. Let's just watch." BigB responds, also highly concerned.

Nodding, Pink looks over to the top of the other hill and sees Albert watching from above, who turns and makes eye contact with him. Albert smiles and starts running down the hill towards the small bridge.

"Albert's coming. Hide." Pink says, half joking, half serious.

"Maybe he'll give us an explanation?"

"Doubt it."

Albert arrives and beams at the two, seemingly having a lot of fun.

"Hello boys! Do you guys have any popcorn?"

"Popcorn doesn't exist here, sorry." BigB shrugs, and Albert looks horrified.

"How can you not have popcorn in Minecraftia?! Everyone loves popcorn! I'll have to bring some to you when we get out of here..."

"No, no, you can get it in certain servers, but not here. Sorry." BigB sighs. "What's going on? We just came back from the Nether and suddenly everyone's arguing."

"Oh! To put it succinctly..." Albert takes a huge breath in. "Sketch my lovable but slightly stupid teammate decided he really wanted the enchanting table back so he recruited Megan to steal it from Tanqr and Hyper and Megan got Ashley involved to help her but they ended up getting caught by Hyper so Tanqr and Hyper chased them here Ashley brought in the girls as back up and now everyone's yelling at each other because they can't decide who the enchanting table should go to!" After his ramble, Albert beams. "And I've been watching, because it's really funny. Do you guys wanna watch it with me?"

"How did you say all of that in one breath?" Pink asks, bewildered, but doesn't get a response. BigB nods, absorbing all that information in and considering it.

"I have an idea. Music."

"That...that's the plan?" Albert asks, not expecting this.

"Yes! Pink, get one of our spare diamonds and 8 pieces of wood, arrange the wood like you would to make a chest and put the diamonds in the middle, please? Oh, and get one of the music discs we found."

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