CHAPTER 23 | Day 5 Part 4

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<AshleyTheUnicorn whispered to Sketch> So are you going to tell me what's up with your eyes?

<Sketch whispered to AshleyTheUnicorn> what

<Sketch whispered to AshleyTheUnicorn> no

<AshleyTheUnicorn whispered to Sketch> I'll let you off for killing me!

<Sketch whispered to AshleyTheUnicorn> no

<AshleyTheUnicorn whispered to Sketch> I'll only stop pestering you if you pay me diamonds

<Sketch whispered to AshleyTheUnicorn> really?

<AshleyTheUnicorn whispered to Sketch> Yep :) It will also pay for my forgiveness for you killing me yesterday

<AshleyTheUnicorn whispered to Sketch> You know where my base is so you can just come on over and pay, it'll be easy!

<Sketch whispered to AshleyTheUnicorn> hmmmm


Sketch looks up from his communicator at Kreek and Denis, who are finishing yet another TNT trap. Someone's going to set one off on accident, he just knows it. Oh well, not his problem.

"Hey, Kreek." Sketch calls out. "Come and be useful over here for a second."

"Uh, you're the one being not-useful, but fine." Kreek snarks but strolls over, as Sketch knew he would. Sketch shows him the texts on his screen.

"This is a trap, right?"

Kreek reads over the text and nods.

"Definitely a trap." he agrees, much to Sketch's delight. Yeah, Ashley, I'm not falling for that. "We can foil it, though. Denis!"

Denis looks up at the mention of his name.


"Stay at the base and keep working and let Albert know about the traps. I'll go with Sketch to ensure he doesn't get killed - Ashley's setting up a trap for him." Kreek explains, but Denis shrugs.

"Why don't you just ignore it?"

"You know Ashley better than that, Denis, she's persistent." Kreek scolds, turning back to Sketch. "Tell her we're coming, I'll get a weapon."

"Actually..." Sketch shakes his head, and starts to type a new message. "I have a better idea."


<Sketch> ashley how do I know this isn't a trap

<AlbertFlamingo> Sketchy??

<PinkLeaf> huh

<LeahAshe> What??

<Sketch> oooooooooops

<bigbst4tz2> does ashley have some explaining to do?

<AshleyTheUnicorn> Sketch what the hell??

<Sketch> nah she was propositioning i pay her diamonds so she'll stop being mad at me for yesterday

<Sketch> it sounded a lot more like 'come here so i or one of my girls can kill you and then you'll have my forgiveness'

<Sketch> but idk

<Tanqr> yeah that's a trap

<AshleyTheUnicorn> Are you accusing me of being the boogeyman?? I was trying to be nice!! >:O

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