CHAPTER 12 | Day 3 Part 6

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<Tanqr> sooooo

<Tanqr> guess who the new owners of the enchanting table are 

<PinkLeaf> so that's what happened

<PinkLeaf> not sure what else I expected

<AshleyTheUnicorn> How on Earth did that happen? I highly doubt the Bromance Bros gave you it willingly 

<DylanHyper> We stole it.

<AshleyTheUnicorn> Why am I unsurprised T-T 

<Sketch> you evil bastards!!! give it back!!!

<Tanqr> :)

<bigbst4tz2> so soon? oh my 

<bigbst4tz2> a gentleman usually waits 2 days before thievery begins 

<DenisDaily> A gentleman doesn't steal at all, actually 

<MeganPlays> ...Can we use it? 

<Tanqr> no 

<iAmSanna> So do we need to pay you to use it now

<Tanqr> no 

<Tanqr> you just don't get to use it 

<iAmSanna> WOW.

<MeganPlays> What if I ratted out your base location to the bromance bros so they can steal their enchanting table back?

<Sketch> oooh please do that 

<DylanHyper> Please don't

<Tanqr> do that and i'll kill you 

<DylanHyper> Once again, Please Don't 

<MeganPlays> Ok fine >:( 


Tanqr chuckles to himself as he reads chat, putting away his communicator and looking over at Hyper as he approaches. He's covered in blood, both his and others', but it's fading much faster than it normally would as his health regenerates.

"And that is how you win a 1v4." Tanqr boasts as he gets closer to Hyper, putting his hand on his hip.

"Well, yeah. I guess you did." Hyper doesn't really know what to say.

"What was that about 'Kreek could easily beat you with a sword', again?" Tanqr says, smug about it.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, you're good at everything." Hyper admits defeat, a little annoyed. "Can we get going?"

"Sure." Tanqr's very pleased with himself, and Hyper can tell that from just the tone of his voice.

And so, the duo start the trek back to their base. It's not much of a trek, actually, more of a short walk, but that doesn't matter.

As they walk, Tanqr decides to question Hyper a little, as quite frankly, he wasn't expecting to see him. He's glad to see him, but it was still a surprise.

"I thought you went back to our base?"

Hyper looks up and down at Tanqr, and chuckles a little to himself, whether that's nervously or not he can't tell.

And he hates to admit it, but standing there, watching from behind the trees - that was pretty cool.

He was terrified, at first, trembling and wondering if he should just run home. But he decided to stay, to watch, just in case. And watching Tanqr slowly get the better of his opponents, managing to incapacitate three of four cleanly with no issues, in a world he doesn't was awesome. He's always admired people that can hold their own no matter the odds against them, it's why he used to- scratch that, he still does- admire Kreek so much, for just being some random dude who beat all the odds, beat people much more powerful than him back in Season 1. And Tanqr's apparently the same, no matter how terrifying he is. Kreek was terrifying too.

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