CHAPTER 18 | Day 4 Part 5

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<AshleyTheUnicorn was slain by Sketch>

<DenisDaily> F

<AlbertFlamingo> Took you long enough, Sketch!

<LeahAshe> NOOOOO


<MeganPlays> F :((((

<PinkLeaf> f

<DylanHyper> F

<Tanqr> L

<AshleyTheUnicorn> Sketch what the hell

<KreekCraft> Sketch, what the hell?!

<KreekCraft> Jinx

<Sketch> long story

<Sketch> i will come back with ashley's stuff and explain ok

<KreekCraft> You better

<AshleyTheUnicorn> No need, just tell me the coords of where I died and I'll get my stuff

<LeahAshe> I can't believe you'd do this Sketch

<Sketch> she literally dared me to kill her????

<AshleyTheUnicorn> Yeah that's on me

<AshleyTheUnicorn> I don't like you for it! But that's on me.

<Sketch> i think you all should be blaming tanqr

<Tanqr> rude


Sketch stands there, catching his breath back, ignoring Ashley's body disappearing and becoming a pile of her items. He stabbed it pretty hard into her back, admittedly. Picking it up, he decides to take Ashley's stuff too - somehow he has enough space, Ashley is incredibly organised.

Ah, jeez. It's a relief, having his brain not screaming at him to main and kill all the time. That was not fun to be dealing with the whole day. Oh well, it's over now.

Walking back, humming to himself and deciding to not check his still-pinging communicator, Sketch thinks back to earlier in the day, specifically midnight, when he first realised what he was about to be shoved into.


Sketch feels a horrid pain in his chest, and it makes him shoot his eyes open. '

'God dammit, who pranked me?!' is his first thought. Knowing his team, it seems like something they'd do. On second thought, there's no one around, so maybe not. He touches his chest, realises there is no sword or any weapon there - in fact, there's no blood at all - and rolls over and tries to go back to sleep.

It takes him all of 30 seconds to realise, yeah, that's not going to work. Groaning, Sketch sits up and grabs a torch - he can't see anything in here, not this late - and puts it by his chest, careful not to set his hoodie on fire (he's not even sure if he can do that, but he's not going to risk it.)

It's unmistakable. The heart shaped wound on his chest.

The boogeyman curse.

"Oh, for god's sake-" Sketch groans, throwing the torch down and dramatically falling back on the bed. What luck. He can feel the urge to kill already, though maybe that's just his anger at getting cursed talking. Ugh, now he has to pick whether he wants to be honest to the Bromance Bros and risk them exposing him, or whether he wants to lie and get scolded for it later. Why does he have to make complicated moral decisions? Why is his life so HARD?

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