CHAPTER 13 | Day 3 Part 7

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On the westside of Pink and BigB's hill, there is a meadow. They're passing through it, idly chatting- well, more like BigB coming up with team names, which Pink continually rejects.

"Hm...the Terrific Teammates!"

"No." He's said 'no' so many times it's starting to become a reflex.

"The Mountain Goats!"


"Hm...Oh!" Pink sighs, expecting another bad pun, when he realises BigB is pointing at something in the distance. "Look! A desert! It's really close too, what a treat!" Sure enough, around 30 blocks away, there's a desert - looks like the meadow wasn't too large. A bit unfortunate, honestly, Pink was enjoying walking through all the flowers and picking up a few. "Pun not intended that time, actually."

"Good. Now we can actually get to the important work." Pink sighs, hoping BigB's pun barrage will stop. "How much sand?"

"Hm, let's get a stack or two for now. That should be enough for...32 pieces of TNT? If we use four for each, that is. That'll be more than enough, and give us a nice reserve."

"Alright." Can't be too difficult to get, right? Pink's equipped with a stone shovel, it should last.

"Okay then! Let's go!" BigB runs into the desert, shovel in hand, and immediately starts working, digging into the sand and picking up the blocks that form. Pink copies his lead, sticking nearby.

After all, he's still got his own aims, and he's going to succeed in them this time.

"BigB, do you want to tell me why you know everything yet?" Pink asks. Might as well be direct with it.

"Well, I'm from Minecraftia. I've told you this before." BigB responds innocently, but it's clear that he's dodging the question. "Of course I know how my home works!"

Pink's not about to let him dance around the topic any longer - he's had it with all this vagueness, and he wants answers.

"I'm not referring to that." BigB nervously laughs as Pink speaks, and so he pushes on. "You seem to know everything about this game. I want to know about that."

"Well, I don't know everything-" Pink cuts him off before he can finish.

"Stop being evasive. You keep telling me that you're going to tell me why at some point, but then you never do." Pink stops himself when he realises he sounds really angry, and realises just how conflicted BigB looks. Whoops.

"Oh hey wait I'm sorry-." he backtracks, trying to sound nicer. "I understand it might be private or uncomfortable to talk about. You can stop at any time. Just a summary would be nice."

BigB chuckles, and gives in fairly easily. He didn't intend to keep the truth from Pink for too long, and Pink deserves to know so he's a little less confused.

Still, it's not something he likes looking back on. He's made quite a few mistakes, and he really doesn't want to make anymore - or jeopardise the friendship he's built with Pink. But at this point, he might as well spill the cookie jar.

"Okay, I'll tell you." He says decisively, making Pink light up - he's surprised this worked. "But...promise not to tell the others, alright? They already find me weird enough."

"I promise." Pink's being sincere - he won't push BigB further than he needs to. BigB can tell this - he's a loyal friend and ally, and he's glad to have him around.

BigB sighs, and admits the truth.

"I've been in this 'Life SMP' before." 

Pink's stomach drops.

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