CHAPTER 3 | Day 2 Part 1

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Hyper wakes up in his bed in the middle of the night, in insurmountable pain. It takes him a second to pull himself together, to stop wheezing. He shoots up, clutching his chest, trying whatever it takes to soothe the pain.

Wait, what? Why is he in so much pain? He was just fine last night? Did a mob get in? Wouldn't he have woken up if so?

As silently as he can, as to not disturb Megan on the other side of the room, he drags himself out of bed and over to one of the torches, before pulling it off the wall the best he can. He'll be needing that if he wants to figure out what's going on.

Looking around the base, nothing seems to have been disturbed. So nothing from the outside. Did he just fall off the bed or something?

The pain in his chest finally dies down, becoming slow yet pulsating thumps of pain. Well, that's more manageable. He'll figure it out in the morning.

He looks back over to where he and Megan were sleeping, and suddenly, a strange feeling appears in his stomach. A mix of anger and sheer glee. A want for something, a want for movement, a want for satisfaction. A certain lack of empathy in his heart.

...The feeling of bloodlust.

It takes him a few seconds to realise that he's reaching for his weapon. He immediately pulls his hands away.

What the hell just came over him? Suddenly he doesn't feel safe in his own base anymore. Whether that's for his own safety or for Megan's.

The door creaks open as he rushes outside. He needs to get out of here and figure out what's going on.

The first thing he's struck by is the freezing wind, to the point where can see his hasty breaths in it. It's dark, but they lit up the area around their base, so there aren't any zombies. Well, a surprising lack of them anyway. He expected there to be more in the nearby trees. The full moon stares down at him, judging.

The books were right. Minecraftia really is so much different at night.

He walks over to the mini-farm they started. It's got a lake of water for the wheat and carrots. That'll help. That'll get his mind right.

"Hyper, what the hell, what the hell, snap out of it, what the hell-" he mumbles to himself, repeatedly.

Dropping down, he splashes his face with the water. It's a stinging cold feeling that drips down through his hair and blurs his glasses. He keeps going. He needs to push that urge down, whatever the hell that urge was, he needs to push it down-

It's as he's staring at his reflection in the water that he notices it. The faint red mark on his chest. With morbid curiosity, throws off his shirt, staring at it.

Staring back at him is a bloody red burning scar on his chest, in the shape of a heart.

What is that? That must've been what was hurting so much, but then...what is it?

His mind immediately tracks back to yesterday.

The person with the curse will know they have the curse. It will be obvious.

"No, no no no, no no no you can't be serious right now. You have to be kidding me. This cannot be happening." He whispers to himself, distraught.

He's been cursed. He got the boogeyman curse. Not just that, he's the first person to have been cursed.

What does he do now? What can he do now? He has to kill someone by sunset, or he's already down to one life. But who? The only person he's seen is Megan, and he's not killing her. She's his ally, he's not killing her.

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