CHAPTER 6 | Day 2 Part 4

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Some time later, Tanqr is checking the time by setting up some sticks and looking at how the shadows fall. It's a trick he was taught back at home. And despite communicators having nearly everything, they for some reason don't have the time. So he needs to use shadows to figure out what time it is.

Looking up at the sun, he can see it's starting to sink into the west. It's quite low, but sunset hasn't started. If he estimates, it's probably coming up to 5pm.

He should give Hyper a warning. After all, his concern right now is making sure that Hyper knows exactly how much time he has left. After all, he hasn't killed anybody, and his time is running out. Fast.


<Tanqr whispered to DylanHyper> hey bud you probably have an hour and a bit left

<DylanHyper whispered to Tanqr> Oh no

<Tanqr whispered to DylanHyper> yeah uh. aren't you deep in a cave right now. with only megan. how are you planning on doing this my guy

<Tanqr whispered to DylanHyper> are you just planning on taking it or

<DylanHyper whispered to Tanqr> I'm gonna get Megan to go now

<DylanHyper whispered to Tanqr> I'm not killing her

<Tanqr whispered to DylanHyper> you probably should

<DylanHyper whispered to Tanqr> Can you check if there's anyone else around the vicinity

<DylanHyper whispered to Tanqr> I'm not killing her

<Tanqr whispered to DylanHyper> sure. i'll wait for you at the cave's exit.


Hyper looks up from his communicator to Megan staring right back at him.

"Who are you talking to? There's nothing going on in chat right now." Oh no, she's onto him.

"Oh, I'm just reading up on things. Nothing else. Hey, shouldn't we head out of this cave? It's getting late and we'll want to be back at our base before night time hits." Quick, change the subject.

"Uhm...wouldn't it be safer down here? I mean, we've lit this place up..."

"We'll be needing more food, right? And more wood? We're running out, and we'll need more torches if we plan to go deeper. Plus we nearly stumbled into a spawner and both died. And we're not finding any more diamonds, we've only got the five between us - let's just head out." He's hoping that this persuades her. And thankfully for him, it does. With a heavy sigh of defeat, Megan agrees.

"Alright, fine. Let's go."

As they're following their torches, Hyper's mind is elsewhere. Well, it's pretty much gone - he feels like he's been losing it the longer he's been alone. The small feeling of bloodlust he's been getting around others has been increasing and increasing the longer he went without shedding any blood, and it's starting to get constant and overwhelming, it's a desperate feeling, he needs to get blood on his hands. And it's terrifying him.

What is he becoming? It's almost like he's turning into a mob himself. He's breathing heavier, and can barely restrain himself.

Yet he keeps going, because he can't tell Megan about what's going on. He simply can't. How would she react? She'd be terrified of him. And he doesn't want to lose his ally - he doubts he could make it far without someone helping him out with the things he doesn't notice.

But he knows full well that he has to kill someone soon, or he's going to lose it.

Maybe that person will have to be Megan.

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