CHAPTER 16 | Day 4 Part 3

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Hyper didn't exactly expect to be going back to the river so soon, but here he was. Tanqr, to his credit, seems to be trying to steer clear of the Bromance Bros and instead is focusing on finding Fight & Flight's base and spotting the Nether portal.

"Anything I need to expect when looking for the portal?" Tanqr asks.

"Oh, uh, it's...rectangular. Obsidian, which is a black and purple rock. And it should be glowing purple in the centre." Hyper explains. He's not sure why Tanqr doesn't know this yet, but he does and he's happy to explain.

(Isn't that exactly what Tanqr's keeping him around for?)

"Sweet, alright."

Later, once they actually make it to the river, Hyper and Tanqr share a look of concern. It's not because they can't see the nether portal, Fight & Flight didn't bother hiding it - it's sitting on the top of the hill in such a way that the sunlight reflects through it. Their main issue, however, is that Denis has just died (which Tanqr started cackling at, as expected), and the Bromance Bros will be back soon.

"So, I guess we'll have to go quickly?" Hyper whispers to Tanqr.

"Obviously." Tanqr shrugs. "When we see them coming back, we should hide, then once they're back in their base, we can continue. But we don't have much time. Cmon!"

So they run through the water, making quite a commotion as they do so. Tanqr shakes out his hoodie to help it dry up, but things dry quickly in Minecraftia.

It's a bit of a climb up to the portal, so Hyper takes a bite of bread once he makes it up. Tanqr goes ahead, not bothering to wait, walking up to the portal and beholding it. It's twice his size, and clearly, that's intimidating him.

Hyper walks up to it as Tanqr reaches his hand through the purple glow in the centre, before immediately recoiling his hand with a hiss.

"Ow, that's hot-" he winces, shaking his hand out.

Hyper puts his hand through, and holds it there for a second. It's hot, sure, and it makes his hand tingle, but honestly, it's not really that bad.

"Don't be a baby." he teases, somewhat unintentionally.

"Hey, I'm suited to the cold, shut up-"

"Well, that's the nether portal. We can build one ourselves, or use this one." Hyper motions with his other hand at the portal. "Plus I'm not sure we brought enough gold." Tanqr laughs while still wringing out his wrist.

"We did not. But it's not hard to build. I'd say we can make one on our own, no need to risk getting caught." Tanqr's response cleverly hides the fact he's not sure if he can even survive there. Heat sucks.

"Oh, alright. Can we go then?"

"Let's. Doesn't look like the Bromance Bros are back yet, so c'mon. And take your hand out of the damn portal, I don't know how you've been able to keep it in there for so long."

"Oh, I didn't realise." Hyper jokes, leading to an offended look from Tanqr. It's amusing. "Alright. Let's go."

Hyper takes his hand out, and they carefully tread back down the hill and into the trees, just avoiding the Bromance Bros who come around the corner the next second.

However, there's someone else who might need to avoid them.


It's quiet in Tanqr's base, even quieter considering Megan's sneaking around, and the chill of the wind doesn't make her nerves any better. But she's still trying to remain as logical and calm as possible.

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