CHAPTER 21 | Day 5 Part 2

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"Score!" Kreek yells, and while Sketch only barely heard it over the sounds of blazes screeching, he still heard it.

"What? What happened?" he yells back while eagerly running up to Kreek.

They've been in the Nether fortress for some time, just trying to gather as many resources as possible. Admittedly, they've mainly been getting blaze rods, one or two ghast tears and nothing else. Wither skeletons don't drop anything remotely useful, and BigB and Pink took all the netherrack. Of course. Somehow they haven't died yet, but when they first got in, there were a few close calls.

As Sketch approaches, Kreek holds up a wither skull, beaming with pride. Sketch scoffs.

"Oh, I got one of those ages ago." he says, pulling out his own and holding it up to Kreek's.

Kreek's smile falters for a second.

"Dude, you should've told me!" he scolds, but he doesn't seem all that angry about it.

"I mean, what would we do with one singular wither skull? I was just going to keep it until it came up later." Sketch points out.

"...Fair point." Kreek sighs, then perks up. "But now we have two! So we can actually do something with that."

"Don't we need a third one to summon a wither?" Sketch asks, before realising what he's just said. "Wait, no, slow down, why are we summoning a wither?!"

"No, dummy. That would be incredibly stupid, we'd get caught in the crossfire. We can use the wither skulls as a threat, however." Kreek clarifies. "In fact, I already know a few people that would benefit from being threatened once or twice."

There's a malicious glint in his eye, which sends an involuntary shiver down Sketch's spine. Who knew KreekCraft could be scary?

(He's allowed to say that, he's Kreek's buddy.)

"Who in the world do you want to threaten with a wither?"

"Oh, yknow, people. People who don't know where they're not- ow!" Kreek yelps as he gets hit in the side with a fireball. He shoots a few arrows at the blaze in response and it goes down. "Hey! I'm trying to come up with plans here! Don't interrupt me!"

"...You really are crazy." Sketch teases.

"It's a solid plan! If we can threaten people into not crossing us, at the risk we'll sic a wither on them, then we'll survive longer! And seriously, we need to stop people from crossing us. We've gotten attacked and mocked and stolen from far too many times." Kreek rants, as Sketch patiently waits for him to stop. Once he does, Sketch smirks.

"I meant you were crazy because you were talking to the blaze that was trying to kill you, but sure, keep proving my point."

Kreek blushes in embarrassment as Sketch starts giggling.

"Whatever!" he says, running off after a wither skeleton who got too close for comfort. Sketch chases after.

"Oh well." Sketch takes Kreek's arm in his, and Kreek starts wriggling away. "It's alright to be a little crazy. It makes you funny, like me. Just don't go overboard."

"It helps me get things done." Kreek smiles with confidence at that. Sketch lets go of his arm and Kreek runs off after another blaze, while Sketch takes out the one coming at them from behind.

He really doesn't understand Kreek, but hey, they're friends, so what can he do? Just make sure he doesn't get too wild, like Denis told him. Seems like one hell of a task, but who is he if he doesn't give it a shot?

(And if he fails, he'll for his life, he supposes.)

For now, he needs to focus on running from his life from these blazes, why are they so damn annoying?!

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