CHAPTER 19 | Day 4 Part 6

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The rest of the day passes without issue, and the sun is setting over the Battle Life SMP. It's not like Hyper and Tanqr can see it though, as they are mining for gold in a cave.

"Really wasn't expecting Sketch to be the boogeyman. With how Ashley was acting, I was suspecting her, but nope. Plot twist. But what can I say, I love a good plot twist." Hyper tries to make conversation, but Tanqr ignores him, so he's mainly just been rambling.

He's been in a terrible mood since the enchanting table got stolen. Tanqr's been on the border of aggression this whole time, and Hyper's tired of it. Best to confront him.

"Tanqr, you're being a hypocrite." Hyper says, after Tanqr roars while cutting off a zombie's head with one swing of his sword. "We literally stole the enchanting table, why are you mad Megan did the same thing-"

Tanqr whips around to face Hyper, face of rage accentuated by the darkness of the cave.

"I am not a hypocrite!" he hisses. "I'm not mad because she stole it, that I expected her to do, I'm mad because we couldn't get it back. It would've been so much easier to get back if Ashley didn't get in the way, and BigB and Pink weren't so passive."

"Well, you already got revenge on Ashley by getting her killed, so I don't think that really matters. And Fight & Flight were trying to defuse the situation, I'll bet if you didn't go straight to pointing a sword at Megan, they would've been more sympathetic to us."

"Don't call them Fight & Flight."

"Why? Is it because they certainly weren't fighting or flying earlier - they were fawning?"

"No, because it's a stupid name-" Tanqr can't help but laugh a little at Hyper's joke, but he reminds himself to stay serious. "And now we've lost the enchanting table."

"I mean, we're already fully enchanted. What do we have to gain by keeping it and not letting anyone else use it?"

"Firstly, if one of us loses our stuff, we can re-enchant easily. Secondly, it gives us an edge over the others."

"Let's be real." Hyper's learned that by this point, attempting to use emotion to reason with Tanqr isn't going to help. But if he plays along the same wavelength, Tanqr will listen to him. "We already know that most of the people here aren't good at fighting. Pink, Leah, Sanna...what do they have to gain out of enchanting if they can't use the enchantments in the first place? The thing that would help them is armour, and BigB and Pink weren't able to enchant theirs. The only group that we need to worry about already are fully enchanted, so we wouldn't even get an edge over them. So what did it actually give us?"

Tanqr takes a second to think about what Hyper's saying, before realising he's sort of right.

"Uh...bragging rights." he settles on replying, before face palming at his own response. "Alright, you got me there. I guess we can let this go."

"See? Not so bad."

"But I'm not letting Megan go for stealing it. She's taken too much from us, and she's getting in the way. I'll deal with her."

Megan, what have you unleashed? Hyper thinks. You're bullying a dragon!

"She knows too much, Hyper." Tanqr warns. "She's going to lead to us getting caught for any other sneaking we do, we came too close to that last time-"

"Oh, so you admit we came close last time?" is Hyper's impulsive response.

"Uh- well, yeah, obviously. We had to fight to keep it. I was confident we were going to get away with it, but..."

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