CHAPTER 14 | Day 4 Part 1

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It strikes midnight on the Battle Life server, and someone wakes up in a cold sweat.

AshleyTheUnicorn opens her eyes to a sinking feeling in her chest. She's not perfectly sure why she feels this way, but she does. She tosses over in bed, rolling over, trying to ignore the feeling, but it's too strong and she forces herself to sit up and check it out. She only got to sleep around an hour or two before, she's far too tired to deal with this.

She creeps out of bed. The other two placed their beds in different rooms, but she wants to be careful. It's quiet - almost too quiet, and it sends a shiver down her spine. Light, she thinks, it's dark right now and she needs light to figure out what's going on.

She pulls a torch off the wall, and she uses it to light her way in the dark.

She creeps downstairs. Whilst making her way to the door, she justifies checking outside in her mind. After all, her body must have woken her up for a reason, right? She's not one to ignore her gut feelings. Something must be wrong. She just has to figure out what it is. Maybe someone's sneaking around? She already knows the other members of this server aren't above thievery. Maybe it's just Megan, maybe it's not. Either way, she's not going to leave it up to chance.

That weird feeling in her chest is still there, even if it has subsided just a little.

Ashley slowly opens the door to her base, trying to keep the creaking of the door down to a minimum. She holds her sword in one hand and her torch in the other. Looking back inside to make sure the others haven't followed her - she's the strongest out of them, as they said, so she has to protect them - she steps out, and continues searching the grounds.

Nothing. Not a sound, not even the sound of wind. The air is still, and so is the world around her.

As she peers into the trees not too far away, she notices a skeleton just standing there, still, not making a move. In her curiosity, she walks towards it. It reacts.

Ashley yelps as she dodges the arrows. She attempts to use her sword to block a few. She attempts to run up to it and stab it, but it shoots her a few times - once directly in the chest.


Ashley swings enough times and the skeleton dies. She whips her head around. No other enemies in sight. She looks down, and sees the skeleton has dropped its bow.

"Sweet." she says to herself, picking it up. It's close to breaking, but she can fix it up later.

The strange feeling Ashley got in her chest has been replaced by pain. Ignoring it isn't the best option. Still in the dark, Ashley looks down and yanks the arrow out of her chest.

"Ouch, ow, nope, that's worse-" she mutters to herself as jolts of agony shoot through her body. It clears up after a second though. She's not hungry, her health regenerates fast, and the wound heals over.

Ashley decides that was probably her weird feeling - a monster nearby waking her up. She doesn't question why the others didn't wake up - maybe they were more successful at ignoring it. She shrugs and ignores it, taking her prize and walking back to her base, unsure of exactly what happened.

Part of her wonders if Sanna's joke about her being a prophet is true. Nah, of course not. If it is, she'll be cursing herself. Plus, what was she even predicting anyway? That she'd be attacked? Get a chest wound? Well, that already happened, so suck it, weird predicting powers.

Ashley just doesn't want to die, that would be inconvenient.

Ashley enters her base, sneaks past her sleeping friends back to her bed and places the torch about where it was originally. Even if it wasn't, who's going to remember about it anyway?

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