CHAPTER 2 | Day 1 Part 2

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"Gang, gang, gang, gang-"

"Sketch, shut up."

"Gang, gang, gang, gang"

"Not you too, Denis-"



Kreek wonders what he did, what crime he committed, for him to end up with these absolute dorks as teammates. But considering the others, he's happy it was them. They're the smart ones, they'll last the longest. And as much as he hates to admit it, he likes these dorks.

At least he's not with Tanqr. Look, the guy's cool, he's good at fighting and pretty damn smart, and Kreek will readily admit that. He's a respectable guy, with his skill. But Kreek would rather not get teased repeatedly. (Even though this group seems like they're going to tease him anyway.)

Either way, he reckons that his group has managed to get a good start within this first day. They've already got a working base, a ready supply of food from the cows they've captured, and even found heaps of iron! And their base is in a brilliant tactical position, up on a rocky mountain by the world border, so they can see enemies coming from the river below. They're easily doing better than some of the others, from what he's seen. They'll make it, and they won't have any issues rising to the top.

Kreek knows that he - well, he's great. He's great at fighting, great at puzzle solving, incredibly charismatic and kind, he's loved by all and that's just how he likes it. Everyone loves him, they all idolise him like he's a celebrity - and that's because he is. People adore him, and he's just fine with that.

...That's what he tells himself, anyway.

Deep down, he's not sure if that's true. He knows there are people better than him in all his skills, that's for certain. But he's reasonable at everything he tries, that must count for something, right? Right? The compliments people are giving him, the ones that tell him to keep doing what he does, are they all lies of sympathy, or are they real?

He god damn hopes so, because it's the idea of that that's keeping him going. But as of lately, he's been on a bit of a losing streak - and it's not been doing him too well. He's KreekCraft, he's the King of Roblox(ia), he needs to get on his game! And if he fails, then what will become of him? It's the reason he needs to beat Tanqr, survive a little longer, cause Tanqr's getting a little bit too close to his title for his liking.

' Geez, Kreek.' he tells himself. ' You're spiralling again. Focus. Not focusing will make this worse.' 

Kreek distracts himself by staring at his reflection in the iron he's holding.

"You alright, Kreek?" Denis calls out.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just...thinking about what to do tomorrow!"

"Oh really? What's the plan?"

"I have no idea!" Kreek jokes, earning a chuckle from Denis. Good going, Kreek. He's got to make sure Denis wants to stick by him. Denis is one of the few people that Kreek can trust to always be truthful, after all, they've been best friends for years.

(Maybe that's why he's getting a weird twinge whenever Denis teases him, always by Albert's direction.) 

"Well, we have to figure out sooooomething." Sketch hangs from the walls, directly staring at him - well, the best Kreek can tell anyway, considering he can't see past that censor bar. Kreek's never seen his eyes before, apparently the only person who has is Bandi, and he's not here. Sketch refuses to elaborate on why. Especially considering the random black markings on his hands, it's weird.

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