CHAPTER 8 | Day 3 Part 2

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In a deep, deep hole underneath his base, BigBStatz finishes digging, and he calls up.

"Hey, Pink! I'm gonna need the water bucket right about now."

No response. Clearly, Pink hasn't heard him.

"Hey, Pink! Pink!!" He calls out again. "Pink!! PINK!!" BigB does his best to mock fright, hoping to get Pink's attention - and he successfully does, as the kid runs up to the hole.

"What?" He calls back down, mildly alarmed.

"Pink! You left me stranded in the hole!"

"And I'm on the verge of leaving you stranded in the hole. What do you want?"

BigB lets out a laugh, before pointing to the bucket in Pink's hand.

"Pour down the water! I need to leave now!"

"I can barely see you down there, do you think we'll have enough?"

"Yes! Now pour the water!"

Rolling his eyes, Pink obliges, pouring down the water. It takes quite a while of standing in silence between the two, staring at the water (which seems to be a lot more than should've been in that bucket), for it to finally reach BigB, and he starts to swim up. It takes a few seconds, but BigB eventually gets out, and starts to shake himself off a bit, much to the confusion of Pink.

"Why are you...shaking the water off like a dog?" He asks.

"Well, we don't have towels, now do we?" BigB responds, chuckling. "Dogs have the right idea, you know."

"Do you have a dog?"

"No, but I've been soulmates with one!"


BigB laughs at Pink's incredulousness. Pink keeps thinking he's become desensitised to the weird things BigB says, but out of nowhere BigB loves to say something that's even weirder.

"Yes, my good buddy Ren."

BigB mentioning his soulmate's name only makes Pink look more confused and slightly appalled.

"Uhm, are- uh-" Pink looks around in confusion. "Me? Are you talking to me, or-?"

"Yes? I'm telling you about my soulmate, Ren Diggity Dog! Super dramatic guy, but we love him to bits. Think of Kreek, but if he was into theatre instead of being into ghost busting."

"Oh. Oh. Okay. Sorry, I- his name is Ren?"

"Yes. Do you know somebody else called Ren?"

"Uh...yeah." Pink points to himself. "Me."

BigB starts laughing in surprise.

"Ohhhhh, that makes so much sense now. I didn't know that was your name!"

"Yeah, that's what I thought. That's why I was so confused when you mentioned a 'Ren', I didn't think it was common."

"Do you want me to call you Ren?"

"Pink or PinkLeaf is fine. Can we move on? Thanks, we're going to move on." Pink doesn't want to be embarrassed by his mix up any further. He points to the hole that BigB just climbed out of. "You gonna just leave that there?"

In response, BigB pulls out some wood, the exact same type as the floor, and begins to cover up the hole as he rambles.

"Oh, of course not! I'm going to cover it up now, and then when someone stands on top of it, I'm just going to destroy it from under them! And if I'm unlucky I'll just have to push them in."

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