CHAPTER 24 | Day 5 Part 5

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<LeahAshe> I have been told to tell you all this

<LeahAshe> "What's about to happen was planned"

<bigbst4tz2> oooh?

<Sketch> what are you three doing?

<AlbertFlamingo> My eyes are peeled for the next instalment

<MeganPlays> Girls?

<AshleyTheUnicorn was slain by iAmSanna>

<MeganPlays> GIRLS?!?!?

<MeganPlays> WHAT did I tell you????

<AlbertFlamingo> Did none of you learn ANYTHING from Hyper??

<DylanHyper> Hey!

<bigbst4tz2> um????

<LeahAshe> Does 'this was planned' mean nothing to you people???

<LeahAshe> To be fair to you though I have no idea what's going on either


Ashley's items collapse to the floor as her death message rings out in chat, and Sanna collapses beside them. It was so sudden - one minute she's filled with adrenaline and the rage of gods, the next minute she's on the floor trying to get her breath back from overexerting herself. She lies on her back and stares at the sky, slowly trying to re-adjust. At least the voices are gone, but that doesn't help when her legs and arms hurt and she's shaking from the cold.

This sucks. She did what was asked of her and it still sucks.

"Uh, Sanna? Are you okay?" Leah asks, scaring Sanna out of hopefully the last stupor of the day.

"Oh. Hi. Uh. I don't know." she responds. That's an improvement, she can actually respond to questions now.

"Hang on." Leah helps Sanna up for the second time today. This time, Sanna's able to stabilise herself quickly. Leah figures she should help Sanna re-orientate herself. "Okay. Uh, I have no idea what's going on, but Ashley said you figured out a plan there more to that plan, or?"

"The plan- uh, yeah. Oh my god yeah." Sanna suddenly realises that she's forgotten something crucial, grabbing her communicator and running inside. "Ashley!"

Meanwhile, Ashley wakes up in her bed, as expected. All according to plan. She takes a look at herself - the streak in her hair is now red, as is the heart on his sleeve - now looking more like a broken heart.


Well, she knows she's done her part. Now all she needs to do is wait for Sanna to do hers, and then they can put all this boogeyman business behind them.

(And if Sanna doesn't, well, there are other ways.)

(Ashley doesn't notice anything wrong with that thought, despite the fact it's not something she'd think naturally.)

She pushes herself out of her bed and goes downstairs. Still nothing. Sanna's taking a long time. She gets her items out of her chest - It's alright that Sanna's taking a while, she thinks, as she re-equips her sword, I can hurry her up if I need to. Actually, I might just do that now-

"Ashley!" Sanna yells, slamming open the door, nearly dropping her communicator. "Give me like 5 seconds!"

Ashley watches Sanna as she hastily types something into chat - and suddenly, there's a warm feeling in her chest that takes her aback. The red in her hair turns yellow again, and she smiles in relief. The warm feeling's nice, but it wears off quickly.

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