CHAPTER 4 | Day 2 Part 2

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Megan and Hyper are walking around, collecting animals and bringing them back for food, as well as gathering wood, so they can head into a cave in the afternoon. That's the plan they set out in the morning anyway, seeing as they're a little bit low.

"So, are we gonna head under at noon?" Megan asks, turning to her companion.

"Yeah, sure." Hyper says, staring off into the sky.

"And we can try to be out before sunset, so no mobs catch us when we're coming out, and we can get a good night's rest. Yeah?"

"Yeah." He's still not paying attention.

Megan's worried about Hyper, to be honest. So far, he's been a lot more closed off, in contrast to his excited optimism yesterday. Hell, when she explained the plan, he was quite cautious, wanting to go into the cave first thing in the morning, and arguing (calmly) with her about it for a bit. He's normally put together with his reasoning, he comes up with the most detailed of plans all the time, but this time he had nothing to explain why. He outright expressed that he agreed with her reasoning, he just 'had a gut feeling'.

Yeah, that doesn't make sense.

She kind of gets it - he's worried about the boogeyman, she's certain. She is too. In a group with only the two of them, being inexperienced, it could be disastrous if they get attacked.

There's also the possibility that he doesn't trust her. Which she hopes not. She hopes Hyper can trust her. Even if she's a little bit needy and unsure about everything, they've been friends for long enough to get through this, right?

...There's the other possibility that she shoves down immediately. She can trust him, right? He's helped her out so much already, so...she trusts him with her life.

Hyper meanwhile, can't even look Megan in the eye. He doesn't want to lie to her, but he has to until he finds somebody to kill.
And he has to find somebody else to kill, he refuses to kill her like Tanqr suggested.

Once they get the set of cows into a hole in their base, they look up at each other. Hyper needs to take some time alone, venture a bit further. Maybe he'll spot somebody, and he can get the deed done.

"We should split up. We'll cover more ground that way." He gets out, speaking quicker than he normally does.

Megan looks at him weirdly. Has she caught on?

"Sure. Terrible idea in my opinion, but that's true. Don't go too far though, okay! I don't wanna lose you." She seems tired.

(Unbeknownst to Hyper, she is. Tired of his strange attitude today, that is. Maybe she'll figure out what's going on if she leaves him alone for a bit.)

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine. I'll be back by noon at the latest."


"Don't worry, I'll be back earlier."

And so the two split up.

Hyper could not be bothered to look for cows or sheep or whatever. He'll look for a few, sure, but if he doesn't catch any, he doesn't care.
He paces far from the base, eyes to the floor, watching out for hazards below him. That and he doesn't want to come face to face with everything right now. He's feeling the sweat building on his forehead, despite the fact it's not even that hot. It's all nerves.

Maybe he shouldn't be so worried about this, but he really really doesn't want blood on his hands.

As he's walking, a voice interrupts.

"Hey, Hyper. Whatcha doin?"

Oh great. It's Tanqr. Again.

"Nothing, leave me alone." Hyper doesn't make eye contact, but he knows Tanqr's directly behind him. "I just need to find some animals."

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