CHAPTER 11 | Day 3 Part 5

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KreekCraft shoots out of his bed, heart still pumping, still breathing rapidly, body still recovering from the after effects of the fight. It hurts his chest, but slowly, he brings his breathing back to a regular place to breathe and register what just happened.

...BigB just killed him. He was the boogeyman, and he just killed him.

God dammit.

It takes most of Kreek's willpower to not punch the wall beside him in the rage that suddenly builds up, instead grabbing the pillow behind him and screaming into it until he's breathless again.

How dare he! They had been so nice as to let his team use their enchanting table, and as a thanks, he ends up getting killed! He was thinking about letting BigB and Pink use the enchanting table for free later to enchant their armour, maybe make an alliance between their teams, but now he's not so sure.

Worst of all, he's going to get mocked for this, and he doesn't like that fact. He can already hear their laughter and taunts. The inevitable teasing that comes with being killed by 'the nicest guy on the server'. Someone's gonna say it's his fault, that he pissed someone off when he shouldn't have, when he didn't even do anything! He was just in front of him!

It makes him feel weak, and right now, he really doesn't like that.

(Enough of it and he might start sobbing into this pillow.)

Kreek sighs, puts the pillow down beside him, and pulls out his communicator.


<KreekCraft was slain by BigBSt4tz2>

<Tanqr> common kreekcraft L

<iAmSanna> OMG

<DenisDaily> I cannot believe that just happened.

<AshleyTheUnicorn> F

<LeahAshe> F

<LeahAshe> Guess it's not just me who has to watch their back, eh Kreek?

<Sketch> hey!!!

<AlbertFlamingo> RUDE

<KreekCraft> Wow, Leah.

<KreekCraft> Also, shut up Tanqr.

<Tanqr> no

<KreekCraft> I'm going to kill you one day

<Tanqr> try me

<MeganPlays> Was BigB the boogeyman?

<PinkLeaf> yep

<MeganPlays> Oof.

<BigBSt4tz2> yeah i was the boogey

<BigBSt4tz2> sorry kreek :(

<KreekCraft> Apology not accepted, how dare you.

<BigBSt4tz2> :(( we have diamonds for you!! for real

<PinkLeaf> i told him it was a bad idea!!!

<AshleyTheUnicorn> Wait a minute you actually died in the next hour

<AshleyTheUnicorn> I am a prophet????

<LeahAshe> Queen behaviour

<KreekCraft> I wish you weren't.

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