- Chapter 1: Your being transferred -

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A/n: ASL will be shown like this to make it clear she is using sign language...

A/n: ASL will be shown like this to make it clear she is using sign language

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

I'm sat in the command centre of the helicarrier with my headphones on watching Fury yell at some agent's that screwed up their mission and had to be medically checked by me which they complained about because my hands are apparently to cold for them. Everyone knows my hands are cold because of my power's but they could just grin and bare it because i'm their doctor who will make sure they are healthy to continue their world saving work. Fury hates when any of his agent's complain about my work or me personally because he has already said i'm like a daughter and i should be respected for being the agent's doctor seeing as i'm the one that makes sure their fit as a fiddle to stay in fighting condition. Due to my headphones i can't hear what is said but i can read their lips and what Fury is saying is making it hard for me to not laugh because he is telling them how if they complain about me again he will refuse them any medical treatment by me. That means they will have to go to the old doctor who is stuck in the old ways which mean he always forgets to give them pain relief and sometimes gives them a wooden spoon to bite on for the pain.

Just the thought of a wooden spoon strangely makes me think of my older sister Wanda because she would take every chance she could get to cook for me using a wooden spoon and she would even hit my older brother Pietro with said spoon if he started to be mean to me because of my hair colour. I miss them so much and i know i could go to the avenger's compound to be with them but the avenger's will want me to fight and that's not such a good idea for me because the last time Fury tried to get me to train i froze the entire helicarrier with a layer of frost. Wanda sometimes flies here to see me on the down low due to her, Pietro and Fury not wanting any of the avenger's to know about me and when she's here we have a pamper day, baking day or a power training day to make sure i keep control over my power's. Then Pietro video calls me every night to ask how my day has been and to make sure i'm not being bullied is what his exact words were which made me laugh because no-one would even dare to bully me thanks to Fury's overprotectiveness.

Suddenly Fury walks over and slides my headphones off making me wince when everyone's thoughts slam into my head giving me a instant ear splitting headache. I slam them back over my ears while giving him the nastiest glare i can muster up because he knows for damn sure not to take my headphones off without warning. He just looks at me with a sorry expression on his face but i don't stop glaring at him because he has just crossed one of the lines i drew. Those lines i have drew for myself are to protect myself and others around me from my power's that are still slightly unpredictable. I raise my hand to check that he hasn't triggered my power's and surprise, surprise my whole hand is covered in frozen.

"I'm so sorry Dom" Fury signed to me

"You know not to take my headphones off without warning Fury, now what is so important for you to risk your own life" I signed angrily

"Your being transferred to the avenger's compound to work along side Banner, now that hydra has been taken care of it's safe for you to be back with your siblings" He signed with a smile on his face

"Really? Have you told the rest of the team about me?" I signed curiously

"I told them the basics but nothing personal" He signed slowly

"So they know about my past and power's?" I signed curiously

"Yes because they need to make sure they don't trigger you but i didn't tell Stark about you being Wanda or Pietro's sister" He signed with a small smile

"I better go and pack then, can you ask agent Hill if she can pack up my office for me?" I signed with a smile hoping he picks up on me not being angry anymore

"I will ask for you but we both know for sure that she will say yes because we can never so no to you" He said looking amused

"She thinks i'm a child is why she won't say no" I signed rolling my eyes

"Stop the whining Dominika and go pack your things because the jet will be ready to take me and you to the avenger's compound in thirty minutes" He signed while chuckling and i know he is chuckling because of his face

"Yes sir, right away sir" I signed standing up then i salute at him

"Missy go and pack right now or i will get a agent to do it" He signed with a stern look on his face

"Don't you dare, you know i don't like agent's i don't know touch my stuff" I signed quickly

I don't wait for him to sign anything else i practically run out of the command center and straight to my room not wanting a agent to pack my things. When i get to my room i grab my suit cases out from under my bed and packing my clothes first because their more important since i don't want to forget my clothes. Once i pack my clothes i pack everything else in my room because i don't want to leave anything behind because some agent's will knick whatever is left behind. I'm definitely not letting those scavengers have anything of mine because what is mine is well mine.



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