- Chapter 2: Avenger's Compound -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

Now i'm in the jet flying to the avenger's compound with Fury sat beside me sulking like a toddler due to me practically threatening to freeze his ass after he nearly told my siblings i'm coming which is something i don't want him to do because i want it to be a surprise for them since they haven't seen me face to face for a while. All my suitcase are strapped down in the middle of the plane and i have my comfort squishy that Wanda got for me a couple months again in my hands needing alittle comfort right now because this is my first time leaving S.h.i.e.l.d since i was rescued from hydra which is a big step for me. I know when Wanda sees me she will most likely cry tears of happiness and pride then there's Pietro he will speed to me and spin me around in circles while telling me how proud he is of me for leaving the helicarrier.

Suddenly i feel the jet descend and land with a jolt making me hold onto my headphones so they fall off then me and Fury unbuckle ourselves and unstrap my suitcases. I stand my suitcases up one after the other and Fury helps me wheel them off the jet and into the lobby of the compound so we are out of the chilly weather. He grabs my free hand that doesn't have my comfort squishy in it and walks me to the elevator leaving all my suitcases in the lobby then he pressed the button for the top floor. The higher we got the more nervous i got to be reunited with my siblings but i know they will be happy to see me and that's all i care about. When the elevator stops and the doors open all i can do is follow Fury because one i have no idea where i'm going, two i can't hear a damn thing and three i feel my soulmark on the back of my neck burn. Soon enough i'm stood outside a glass room that the avenger's are inside off but the avenger's can't see us because they have their backs to us. Fury goes in first and pulls me in behind him hiding me from everyone's line of sight which right now i'm thankful for. I'm also tha thankful for the room basically being made out of glass because i can read Fury's and everyone else's lips from their reflections in said glass.

"I contacted you all about a transfer agent who is a dcotor not to long ago and that agent is someone very special to two of you" Fury said and he even looked at my reflection in the glass with a smile on his face

"The agent can't be important to me" Natasha said crossing her arms

"Can we know their name?" Pietro asked with a hopefully expression

"The doctor is called Dominika Dalka Maximoff, the younger Maximoff sibling" Fury said still looking at my reflection

"Sibling?" Clint asked looking curiously

"Dom?" I hear Wanda's voice in my head

"Yes wands, it's me behind Fury" I said loudly in my head so she could hear me

Suddenly i'm lifted into the air and spun around by the one and only Pietro who has tears in his eyes, after a few spins he holds me closer to him and buries his head on my neck. I have to keep my legs dangling down because i don't want to wrap my legs around his waist when i'm wearing a skirt and i think me and my soulmate are in the same room. It wasn't long till i feel Wanda behind me joining mine and Pietro's hug and it felt amazing being hugged by both my siblings after being separated for so long. I wrap my arms around Pietro's shoulders and hug him as tightly as i can not wanting to let him go right now and i feel Wanda holding me just as tightly while burying her head in the other side of my neck. In the corner of my eye i see Firy waving his hand at me to probably get my attention so i turn my head towards him ready to see what he has to say.

"The back of your neck is red Dom, is your soulmark burning or tingling?" He signed looking concerned

"It's burning" I signed behind Pietro's neck which Fury saw perfectly

"Your soulmate is in the room which means my suspension were right, your soulmate is spiderman" He signed with a small smile

"Sorry to interrupt but you two aren't the only ones that know sign language, me and nat can do it too" Clint signed with a smirk

"It's nice to meet you Dominika, if you want the burning to stop you need to accept the bond between you and Peter" Nat signed with a small smile shocking me completely because i thought she would hate me and before i could sign back to her Pietro puts me down and Wanda let's go of me

"Stop thinking what i know your thinking sister, Peter is your soulmate and he will want you no matter what" Pietro signs to me getting a look of shock from Nat and Clint

"He's right Dom, Peter has been none stop talking about how he will accept his soulmate no matter what because his soulmate is made for him" Wanda said in my head while holding my hands on hers

"Do you want me to tell him it's okay to come forward" Fury signed slowly with a look of concern

"Yes please but make sure you tell him i can read his lips so he needs to talk clearly" I signed shyly

"Of course i'll tell him" He signed back with a small smile

"It's going to be okay Dom" Wanda said in my head again while she loops her arm around mine then Pietro does the same.

"He's coming Dominika, he's just as shy as you right now" Nat signed with a big smile and that's when i see a tall muscluar boy step around Fury

"Hello Dominika i'm your soulmate Parker Peter, i mean Peter Parker" He said clearly letting me read his lips

"H-Hello Peter" I tried to say out loud and i know i definitely stuttered from not using my voice that often



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