- Chapter 19: Double great -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

It's been a week since Peter and i have been put on strict bed rest, and let me tell you, it's been great snuggling with Peter constantly. I have also learned something new about Peter in this time, Peter talks a lot in his sleep. It's not about sweet things either. If you know what i mean because what he says leaves me always blushing. I think due to us being in close proximity to each other this week, our bond has grown incredibly stronger. The bond is that strong it's pulling me towards Peter, wanting me to complete the bond. It doesn't have to pull me towards Peter because i have been thinking about completing the bond for a while now. The only thing actually stopping me from doing anything was not knowing if Peter wants me in that way.

But today, when i woke up, i heard Peter talking in his sleeping, and he was saying how much he wants to feel me. No, he needs to feel me. I take my headphones off and focus on his mind, wanting to know what he is dreaming about right now. I don't know if he will hate me for going into his mind, but that is a matter for later. Once i'm in his mind, i blush immediately because his dream isn't as innocent as i hoped it would have been. He is currently dreaming of both of us completing the soulmate bond, and i thought he didn't want me like that, but boy, am i wrong. I gently pull out of his mind, feeling as red as a tomato right now because that dream is something i was not expecting to see. One thing is for sure, a medical room is not the place i want our first time to be because god forbid someone walks in on us, i will be scared for life.

Suddenly, i see the medical room door open and in walks Loki, or should i say my dad walks in, holding a tray full of food. It still feels weird that the god of mischief and lies  is my father, who is now bringing me breakfast in bed. He places the try on my lap and kisses my forehead, which is something he has done since the day he found out i am his daughter. I watch as he sits on the couch that is beside my side of the hospital bed while glaring at Peter's, and it is around my stomach.

"Why is his arm around your stomach little one?" He asked, still glaring at Peter's arm

"Because he fell asleep cuddling me, and i've just woke up." I said in between mouthfuls of toast

"I have an answer to your question about how Hydra got my dna. It's not the most pleasant answer, but it's an answer." He said, changing the subject

"Okay, I'm listening." I said, after eating the last of my toast, giving him my full attention

"During my time with thanos, i was tortured in many ways, and one of those ways was the worst. He would strap me down to a dirty, bloody table, and some men wearing white coats would come in to do some experiments on me. I think those men wearing white coats were working for Hydra, and that's how they got my dna. I don't want to go too much into what happened to me, but rest assured, i'm perfectly fine now." He said, keeping his eyes on me the whole time

"That oaf tortured you! You're a god! He should have bowed down at your feet! Not hurt you!" I said angrily

"Not everyone will bow down to us, little one. Most midgardians fear us because of our abilities, and other midgardians want to marry us for our wealth." He said, shaking his head at me with a small smile on his face

"Seriously, what goes through people's heads." I said, disgusted by what he just said

"I wouldn't know because i can't read everyones minds." He said, smirking

"Aren't you lucky." I said, glaring at him because he knows i could read everyone's mind if i didn't get a headache every time i took my headphones off

"You will get the hang of it and won't get headaches every time. You just need to give it some time." He said softly

"I hope so. Wearing these headphones constantly starts to hurt my ears." I said, feeling a jolt of pain go through my ear

"Your grandmother and i will help you so you won't need those headphones anymore. You should embrace your abilities, not hide them away." He said, looking honest

"Hiding them is all i have known. My abilities have caused so much trouble, so i thought hiding them was for the best." I said, looking down at the tray still on my lap

"Like Loki said, embrace them, not hide them." Peter said from beside me, making me jump

"Peter!?" I said in shock

"Sorry, princess, i didn't want to interrupt your conversation." He said softly

"May be now you're awake. You can remove your arm from around my daughter." Loki said protectively

"Protectively already?" Peter asked, smirking

"Yes, because i've always wanted a daughter to spoil, love, protect, and cherish. You better not break her heart, Peter Parker." Loki said and warned ar the end, making me giggle

"The next thing you will want to do is have the protective father talk." I said, smirking

"There is still time for that little one." Loki said, smiling at me but glares at Peter

"Great." I said sarcastically

"Don't worry about that, i will make sure no harm comes to your soulmate while Loki talks to him." Thor said, walking into the medical room

"Double great." I said sarcastically

"It won't be that bad princess." Peter said softly, making me sigh


A/n: I don't know if there will be any smutt in this story. Sorry if anyone has been waiting for the smutt.

 Sorry if anyone has been waiting for the smutt

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