- Chapter 11: Be strong for him -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

I rush around helping Bruce get all the medical equipment and anything else we will need while still hearing the team talk through my headphones. All i can hear is their jumbled up voices as they talk kver each other and they all sound panicked which makes me start to panic more. Once everything was ready all we had to do was wait for the team to come back and that was the worse for me. The pain from the soulmate bond was getting stronger and stronger making me double over the hospital bed in pain. One of my hands is on the bed holding me up right while my other arm is wrapped around my stomach because of pain ripping through my body like a tidal wave. Bruce was by my side instantly talking way to fast for me to read his lips and i managed to tell him to put a ear piece is so i could hear him and thankfully he did. He didn't talk to me though instead he was barking orders at the team to hurry up because Peter's pain is effecting me only for us to be told their landing. Bruce helps me walk over to his seat behind his desk and even helps me sit down then tells me to stay there because i can't help him while feeling Peter's pain.

I watch him rush out the medical room to help bring Peter here and i feel like my heart is in my throat because if anything happens to my Peter i will never be the same again. I know we have haven't known each other long and we aren't boyfriend or girlfriend yet but he is my world now and i can't loose my world. Suddenly i see the medical room doors swing open with that much force they collide against the wall and my heart drops at what i see come through the doors. Tony and Steve are wheeling in a stretcher with Bruce straddling Peter's lifeless body doing CPR while shouting orders which i can't hear and i cover my mouth in shock. I hear Wanda, Pietro and Natasha trying to talk to me through my headphones but i don't listen to them because i can't take my eyes of Bruce who is still doing CPR on my lifeless Peter. I see Loki and Bucky come over and link their arms with mine then drag me kicking and screaming out of the medical room, i need to be in there. During my fighting to get free from them i see that they still have the ear pieces in so they can talk to me but i don't want to talk, i want is to be with Peter.

"No please, please, i need to be in there" I said kicking my legs out trying to get their arms off me

"You can't lady Dominika, your in shock and Bruce can't work on Peter with the risk of you getting protective" Loki said softly

"He's right doll, me and Loki will stay with you do you ain't alone" Bucky said sadly

"I can't loose him, we haven't even started our lives together" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks

"You won't loose him doll, Bruce is a amazing doctor and will do everything he can to make sure Peter is alive and well" Bucky said gently sitting me down on the couch in the common livingroom

"You and little spider will have the life you both deserve lady Dominika" Loki said as he and Bucky sit either side of me

"You have to be strong for him, he wouldn't want you breaking down like this Dominika. He would want you to be his strong fierce princess" Wanda said walking into the livingroom with blood all over her

"Is he stable? Is that his blood? Can i see him?" I asked firing question after question

"Bruce has got him stabilised and Peter is breathing by himself, yes this is Peter's blood and no you can't see him yet because Bruce is tending to his wounds" She said walking towards me and placing my squishy on my lap

"He's stable, He's breathing" I breath out on relief

"Yes lady Dominika, little spider is stable" Loki said softly

"P-Please change clothes wands" I said looking at the blood with fresh tears in my eyes

"I will Dom, i just wanted to see you first" She said softly and kisses my forehead then leaves

"Now you know he is stable would you like a cup of tea to helps with the shock lady-"

"Loki stop calling me lady Dominika, call me Dom and sure a cup of tea sounds like just the thing i need right now" I said cutting Loki off before he could finish his sentence

"Would you like a cup of tea metal arm?" Loki asked looking over me at Bucky

"I'll stick to my plums thank you" Bucky said showing us his bag of plums which i have no idea he had

"Plums are disgusting Bucky" I said looking at the plum in disgust

"How dare you! They can hear you!" He said placing his hand over his heart

"Oh well in that case, you plums are disgusting and shouldn't be eaten!" I said pointing at the plums

"Now, Now children don't argue over them plums" Loki said handing me a cup of tea

"He started it"

"She started it"

Me and Bucky said at the same time making us burst into a fit of laughter ehich was short lived because my mind goes back to Peter in the medical room. I wonder what would happen if i run back to him before Loki or Bucky could stop me, would Bruce let me stay in there.

"Don't do that Dom, let Bruce take care of little spider and when he is done someone will come to get you" Loki said softly and he probably heard my thoughts



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