- Chapter 17: I lost control, i'm no warrior -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

I open my eyes and instantly regret it because the whole room is literally spinning while slightly being blurred. I slam my eyes closed again, not wanting to throw up seeing everything spinning. That's when i remember everything that happened, and i jolt up right with an ice ball hovering above my hand. Suddenly, i feel myself being gently pushed down back onto what must be a bed. My skin, where the person is touching me, is tingling like crazy. I instantly know it's Peter pushing me on the bed thanks to those tingles because only soulmates can make each others skin tingle like this. So, with that thought, i let him push me back down without struggling because i don't want to make his own injuries worse. Once i'm laid down, i feel Peter lay down next to me and wrap his arm carefully around my waist, almost like he's afraid to hurt me. I also see that i'm no longer wearing my suit, i'm now wearing some comfortable pj's, and i know Loki must have used his powers to change my clothes, which i'm thankful for.

After a while, i finally noticed i couldn't hear anyone talking, and i know they must have taken their ear pieces out to let me get some much needed rest. Yet i want to hear their voices. No, i need to hear their voices to know their okay, i need to know no one was hurt. The fear inside grows because i don't want any of them to be hurt. That's the only reason i faced those hydra agents on my own. I slowly open my eyes, not being able to stand the thought of any of them possibly being hurt, i blink a few times successfully, clearing the blurriness from my vision. Everything is still spinning, but it's not as bad, and the first thing i see is Peter looking at me with a small, sad smile on his face. I lift my hand up, wanting to place it on his cheek to make sure he is okay, but before i could that someone pins my hand to the bed. I roll my head to the side only to see Natasha is the person pinning my hand to the bed with a worried look on her face. She starts to say something, but she's speaking far too quickly for me to read her lips and tears gather in my eyes due to me not hearing her calming voice. My tears seemed to have made her realise i couldn't hear her because she let's go of my hand and quickly grabbed something to the side of me.

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