- Chapter 13: I'm proud of you baby -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

I wake up feeling someone running their fingers through my hair, i keep my head on th bed beside Peter and keep my eyes closed imaging it's Peter doing it because that is all i want right now is for Peter to be awake. I also feel like i'm wearing different clothes which is weird because i didn't change due to the IV i'm still attached too, if i am wearing different clothes it was probably Loki using his magic. Suddenly the hand is removed from my hair then it's placed on my cheek, caressing it and i knew then it's Peter because my siblings haven't touched my face since we were kids. I slowly open my eyes only to see Peter looking down at me with a small smile on his face and tears gather in my eyes as we ma,e eye contact because i truly know he is okay now. I sit up causing his hand to drop from my cheek then cup his face with both my hands feeling the warmth of his skin and to make sure this isn't a dream because i swear if this is a dream i will loose my shit when i wake up. Our faces are a inch apart until Peter leans forward to give me a small but sweet kiss on the lips, when he moves back he winces slightly making me tear up even more. In the corner of my eye i see Bruce do something to Peters IV and i know he has upped Peter's pain meds to help with the pain, i also see Bruce is still wearing the ear piece so he can talk to me if needs be and that makes me internally happy knowing he what's to talk to me. Bruce looks at me as he slightly nods his head to the left and i look over to see what he is signaling for me to look at only to see all of the team asleep on the other side of the room, some of them are on the couch asleep while the rest on sleeping on the floor.

"How long have they been in here for?" I asked Bruce as it sit back down and hold Peter's hand

"Since you fell asleep but Loki only just fell asleep because he doesn't need alot of sleep since he is asgardian and he changed your clothes for you before he fell asleep, so you wouldn't have to leave Peter" He said and i can see Peter looking at me in shock

"Ear pieces, remember" I said smiling at Peter and Bruce comes over the puts a ear piece in Peter's ear

"I remember that, i'm shocked because your not stuttering princess" Peter said still looking at me in shock

"Yeah, i don't know why i have stopped stuttering to be honest" I said blushing

"Well i'm proud of you baby, also you look gorgeous like alway" He said squeezing my hand

"Thank you" I said blushing

"How is you pain on a scale of one to ten Dominika?" Bruce asked worriedly

"About a six, which is better then last night" I said softly not wanting Bruce to worry

"Pain? Why would she be in pain? What happened?" Peter asked worriedly

"She has been feeling your pain through the soulmate bond" Bruce said as he write things down on his clipboard

"You felt everything?" He asked worriedly

"Yes, everything" I said looking down

"Me and Loki had to remove her from this room because she got into such a state and the pain she was feeling, was overwhelming" Bucky said standing up off the couch and stretching

"By remove he means drag my ass out kicking and screaming" I said feeling embarrassed

"Nothing to be embarrassed about doll, your soulmate instincts took over and you wanted to be close to him which is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about" Bucky said crossing his arms

"You didn't hurt yourself right?" Peter asked squeezing my hand

"No, i didn't but i think my screams may have hurt Bucky and Loki's ears" I said smirking at Bucky who is rubbing his ear that doesn't have the ear piece in

"Definitely hurt my ears doll" He said still rubbing his ear

"Good, don't take me away from Peter again" I said glaring at him

"Wouldn't dream of it, nice to see you awake kid" He said smiling at Peter

"Thanks for helping keep Dom calm while i wasn't able too" Peter said with a small smile

"No problem kid, i helped Dom because she is like a sister to me and i will do anything for her" Bucky said smiling at me

"You're like another overprotective brother" I groan out

"Believe it or not but we're all protective over you Dominika" Tony said now standing beside Bruce

"Yeah and you acted like a dick" I said pointing at him

"I said i'm sorry" Tony said then pouted like a child

"You'll be saying sorry alot if you want me to forgive your rich ass" I said smirking

"You will have to say sorry to me too Mr Stark" Peter said glaring at Tony

"Noted, now who wants coffee" He said and asked rubbing his hands together

"Me please" Me and Bruce said in unison

"Three coffees coming up and i know oldman here wants his plums, so i will get them too" He said smirking

"Yeah, don't forget the big babies plums" I said rolling my eyes

"Princess come here i wanna cuddle" Peter said making grabby hands

"I don't want to hurt you pete" I said sadly

"You won't if you cuddle my side baby" He said softly

"I have upped his pain medication too, he won't be feeling any pain for a while" Bruce said just as Tony walked out the medical room

"Okay, you can have one cuddle but if you wince in pain or flinch im getting off the bed" I said pointing at Peter



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