- Chapter 22: I have a granddaughter!? -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

As the seconds tick by and the longer we are travelling by bifrost, i close my eyes shut as i start to feel my stomach churn, making me feel nauseous. I feel like i'm being pushed through a small tube, resulting in me feeling like i've been hit by a speeding truck. I don't know how Loki and Thor can do this every time they want to go home because i would hate to feel like this every time. I feel Loki's hand squeeze mine, and i squeeze the life out of his, hoping he understands what is going on. Thankfully, he does because somehow he managed to pull me into his arm, holding me tightly to his chest, and i hear Peter asking what's wrong with me. Loki tells him i'm experiencing a midgardian term of travel sickness and that it should pass when we land on asgard, and that won't take long.

Seconds later, i feel my feet connect with solid ground again, and i've never felt so relieved in my entire life to be standing on the ground. I slowly open my eyes only to see a man wearing a gold suit standing on a platform holding a sword of sorts. He looked like a fierce warrior and protector at the same time, i felt safe in his presence, and i relaxed, giving into that feeling. Loki drops his arms while kissing my forehead, and as soon as im out of his arms, i'm being squished into Peter's chest. I turn my head so my cheek is resting against Peter's muscular chest and watch Loki have what looks like an important talk with the man wearing gold. Thor stays beside us with an emotionless face, which is unusual for him because normal looks like an over excited golden retriever.

After a few minutes, Loki walked back over to us, placing his hands on mine and Peter's shoulder, and then nodded his head at Thor. I have a feeling about what Loki is going to do, and that feeling was right because in seconds, we are no longer standing in front of the man wearing gold. We are now standing in front of some big, heavy looking double doors with guards on either side of them. The whole time this happened, Peter was still holding me against his chest, and he now glared at the guards who were looking at me like a piece of meat. Loki got inpatient and pushed the doors open himself just as Thor landed beside us with a loud thud. I step out of Peter's arms then all four of us walk into what looks like a beautiful throne room, and i see a man sitting on the throne with a woman sitting on the arm of the throne.

They must be my grandparents, and seeing them sitting there makes me feel so damn nervous because not only are they my grandparents but their king and queen of asgard too!. I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of the only grandparents who are the only grandparents i have had in my life, the thought of them not wanting me is enough for tears to gather in my eyes. Once all of us are standing in front of the throne, a tear rolls down my cheek as i look at my grandmother, who is looking at in with wide-eyes. No one is saying anything, and i couldn't stop the tears rolling down my face in worry that this silence is telling Loki they don't want anything to do with me.

"Son's, who are the guests you have accompanying you?" Grandfather asked, looking at me curiously

"It's your surprise." Thor said excitedly

"Father Mother, meet my daughter Dominika and her soulmate Peter." Loki said softly, looking at me worriedly

"DAUGHTER!?" Grandfather yelled with wide, excited, filled eyes

"I knew it as soon as i saw you. You reminded me so much of Loki as a child. I don't know how you become my son's child, but you are now our family. We will spoil you with so much love that you will start to dislike it." Grandmother said softly as Peter wiped the tears of my face

"You want me?" I said almost in a whisper as more tears rolled down my face

"Of course we do! Why would you even think that, my dear." Grandfather said with wide-eyes

"I wasn't born Loki's child. My dna was altered using Loki's dna, which resulted in me being Loki's daughter. I'm not your full blood granddaughter." I said sadly

"That doesn't matter to us dear, you're still our grandchild no matter what happened. You will always be our granddaughter no matter what." She said softly

"I have a granddaughter!?" Grandfather said in shock

"Yes, my dear, we have a granddaughter who looks very tired and emotional right now." Grandmother said, and Grandfather seemed to snap out of shock hearing her words

"Take them to their chambers and let them get all the rest they need. Then tomorrow we will meet properly without any of us being in shock. Guards tell the seamstress to make enough attir for their stay with us, i want nothing but the best for the princess and prince." Grandfather said, standing up with a look of worry on his face

"Right away, all father." A guard by the throne said then he walked out the throne room

"We will continue this tomorrow sweetheart, go get some much needed rest with your soulmate." Grandmother said softly

"Promise?" I asked worriedly

"We promise, my dear." Grandfather said just as softly

"Now go get your rest." Grandmother said sternly, making me nod my head

"You can stay in the chambers in between l
Loki and i." Thor said excitedly

"Together? We better be staying together Thor." Peter said, wrapping his arm around my waist

"Of course you will, we promised not to separate the two of you." Thor said seriously



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