- Chapter 14: Let's do this -

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- Dominikia's Pov -

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- Dominikia's Pov -

While i cuddling into Peter's chest Tony cames back with coffee which is definitely needed and that's when i see that Peter has fallen back to sleep due to the strong medication Bruce has him hooked up too. I pull myself out of Peter's chest then i lay beside him only for him to lay his head on my shoulder and he wraps his arm that has the IV in over my waist which makes butterflies erupt in my stomach, i panic thinking he might have ripped the IV out but Bruce checks and says its fine. Tony hands Bucky his god damn plums then he walks over and sits next to Loki who i now see is awake, Tony hands me my coffee with a small smile and thanks to him and Loki sitting on a couch next to the bed i don't have to stretch to take the coffee of him. I drink my coffee enjoying the peace and quiet thanks to most of the loud team members still being asleep especially Thor because my god he is too loud for someone to handle first thing in a morning without coffee. As i drink my coffee Bruce comes over and take the IV out of the back of my hand with a small smile making me look at him confused but before i could say anything Loki shakes his head and points to my coffee with a stern look on his face. I don't want to be told of by the god of mischief so i continue drinking my coffee wondering the Bruce took the IV out and i know it must be because i told him my pain wasn't that bad, he is probably tying to see how i will do without the pain medication since Peter's pain is under control now thanks to the pain medication he is receiving. Just as i finish drinking my coffee i hear a alarm going off then all the lights turn red which makes everyone that was sleeping wake up and jump to their feet. I see Bucky, Loki and Tony get off the couch then stand at the foot of the hospital bed with worried and protective looks on their faces, i know whatever is going on isn't good at all. I carefully but quickly move Peter's head off my shoulder and got off the bed then i stand beside Loki ready to do the one thing i have been scared to do since i got my abilities, i'm ready to fight whoever or whatever has made this alarm go off to protect my injured soulmate. I will not let anyone hurt Peter so it's time for me to face my fears and fight tooth and nail to keep him unharmed, i look over at Pietro and Wanda then nod my head silently telling them that if i turns into a fight i'm fighting with everything i have in me.

"I don't know how but they got past Friday and their in the compound" Tony said worriedly

"Natasha, Bucky and Pietro come with me, we will clear the right side of the compound" Steve said sternly

"Be careful Pietro, all of you be careful" I said worriedly

"Of course dommy" Bucky said smirking at me

"Always siter, give them hell" He said then the four of them walk out the medical room

"Me and Thor will clear outside and stop any back up coming through, keep safe everyone" Tony said then he and Thor walk out

"That leaves me with Wanda, Loki and Dom, we will clear this side which s the right side of the compound while Bruce stays here to keep on eye on Peter" Clint said looking at me worriedly

"I will put the room on lock down once you leave" Bruce said sternly

"Be careful out there Dominika and if you need to loose control, dont worry about it just loose control" Wanda said giving me a stern look

"Okay, but you better be careful" I said pointing at her

"Always little sister" She said softly

"Are you okay to fight Dominika? You can stay her with Peter if you want" Clint said worriedly

"I'm fighting, it's time to face my fear for Peter" I said strongly

"Loki can you change my oufit for me, i can not fight wearing this" I said coldly

"Of course" He said flicking his hand

I look down and see i'm now wearing a full body blue suit with matching blue combat boots, i have knives strapped to my thighs and a gun strapped to my waist

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I look down and see i'm now wearing a full body blue suit with matching blue combat boots, i have knives strapped to my thighs and a gun strapped to my waist. I nod my head at Loki and mentally letting my walls down to say a quick mental thank you to him which gets a nod from him. I walk over to Peter and kiss his forehead while whispering 'keep safe for my my spiderman' then i follow my team for this fight out off the medical room holding back tears of worry. Suddenly i feel both my hands being held tightly and i look up only to see it's Wanda and Loki are holding my hands as we follow Clint through the corridors. I squeeze their hands back hoping they know that's me saying a silent thank you to them because of the comfort they are going me in this moment which i no doubt need right now.

"I will take the vents and clear the corridors ahead while you guys clear room by room behind me, make sure to work as a team and watch each others backs" Clint said firmly

"Yes sir, be safe up there Clint" I said nodding at him

"Always kid, yell if you need me and i will be there before you can say hawkeye" He said softly

"We will watch her Clint, go!" Wanda said giving him a unknown look

"Watch your backs" He said one more time then climbed into the vents

"You ready?" Loki asked me summoning his amour and knives

"Let's do this Loki Bear" I said smirking as i say his nickname



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