- Chapter 25: I'm the goddess of -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

Thor does, in fact, bring the healers to the throne room, and they check me over only to find i have a large bruise in the shape of a handprint on my ass because that vile guard used all his strength. The whole time that was happening, grandfather, Thor, Loki, and Peter had their backs to me like the gentleman they are. After the healers gave me some pain remedies, they leave and we all ate our breakfast without once talking about what happened, which i'm thankful for. I could tell Loki and grandfather are still angry about what happened because they keep glaring at the door like they are inching to go finish the guard off. Yet with one stern look from grandmother had them looking down at their now empty plates like scolded children, and seeing them like that made me giggle loudly because who would have thought a king and prince would be scared of a queen. That seemed to have lightened up the atmosphere because everyone and i mean everyone smiled at me like nothing happened. I didn't want that guard to ruin our first proper day together because we won't be able to have this day again, this is a one in a life time day and we should make the most of it. Whatever my grandparents have planned for today is going to be filled with happiness and not anger. I won't let today be ruined anymore.

"Dominika, i want to say that no matter what is revealed, you will always be loved by all of us." Grandfather said, leaving me confused

"What do you mean, grandfather? What is happening?" I asked, confused

"We are going to do your ceremony to see what you're the goddess off." He said softly

"Why are we doing that today?" I asked now, feeling worried

"So i can help you with any added powers you will get after the ceremony. It will be much easier this way because i will know what help you will need the most." Grandmother said softly

"Whag will she have to do?" Peter asked curiously

"She will have to open a sealed box and take out the one dagger that calls to her. That dagger will represent the goddess she is and will become." Grandfather said proudly

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