- Chapter 4: I'm proud of you Dominika -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

I wake up feeling someone poke my cheek and my nose it's annoying the hell out of me and it makes me open my eyes wanting to freeze whoever decided to wake me up from my nice peaceful sleep. I roll my eyes when i see that it's Pietro kneeling down beside my bed and i'm not bothered by how he woke me up infact i'm thankful he wake me this way instead of taking my headphones off. I sit up using one hand a rub my eyes with my other hand ready to see what Pietro has to say to me, i really hope it's nothing Wanda could have sorted out. He gets of the floor then sits on the edge of the bed with a sorry look on his face but i just cross my arms at him while pouting because surely he remembers how much i love my sleep.

"Sorry to wake you Dominika but Wanda told me to because it's breakfast time and she want's you to eat with everyone" He signed slowly knowing i'm abit slow in the morning

"Alright, can you wait for me in the livingroom while i get ready?" I signed slowly

"Of course i can but don't take to long we don't want Wanda to come up here to drag us down to the common floor by our hair" He signed while laughing

"I'll be quick, i don't want her pulling me by my hair" I signed with wided eyes

"I'll be waiting in the livingroom, come and get me when your done" He signed slowly with a small smile

I nod my head at him and he kisses my forehead like he used to when we were kids then he speeds away leaving me alone in my bedroom. I climb out of bed and see there's a some clean folded clothes on the bottom of my bed and i know Wanda has picked them out for me. I pick the clothes up then got to my en-suite where i quickly take my headphones off and have a quick shower trying to block the thoughts out. Once i'm done i dry myself and dry my hair making sure to put my headphones back on then i put the clothes on for the day (Outfit above). I love the outfit Wanda picked out for me because i love wearing any type of skirt all year round since my power's leave me cold all the time. When i finished putting my knee high white socks on i leave my bedroom and go to the livingroom where i see Pietro sat on the couch.

"You ready to go" He signed slowly

"Yes but can you carry me, the elevator scares me because i can't hear it working" I signed blushing at my stupid fear

"I will run you anywhere you want to go because your allowed to have fears of things you can't hear" He signed looking at me softly

"I wonder what Wanda is cooking for breakfast, does she still swing a wooden spoon around while she cooks" I signed only for Pietro to sweep me into his arms bridle style

"I don't know what she is cooking sister, yes she does still swing that god damn spoon i don't know what she is cooking and hold on tightly sister" He said slowly letting me ready his lips

"Do not let me go in that kitchen alone without a weapon to defend myself" I signed in horror

"I will sit you at the table next to me, that spoon will go nowhere near you, now hold on" He said slowly then he speeds away and in a blink of an eye we are next to the table that has every except Wanda sat round it

"Good morning Dominika" Clint signed quite fast

"Morning Clint" I signed slowly just as Pietro sat me down in a chair

"I want to apologise how last night went Dominika, that wasn't how i wanted us to meet and my reaction to Fury saying you were important to two members of the team was uncalled for" Nat signed a apology

"Thank you for apologising, maybe we could be friends?" I sign curiously

"I would love to be friend's with a unique beautiful girl like you" She signed happily

"Making friends already Dom?" Wanda said in my head making me jump

"Damn it Wanda a little warning next time!" I said back to her in my head rubbing my knees that i hit on the bottom of the table

"Sorry Dom i thought you would have felt me enter your mind" She said sounding very sorry

"It's okay no need to apologise since i know you didn't mean to make me jump, anyway what's for breakfast?" I said in my mind

"It's coming out now and make sure you eat your normal portion because you need it" She said firmly in my head just as i saw plate after plate float over to the table

"What do you want to eat first sister" Pietro signed after her turned me around so i could see him

"Pancakes please and then maybe some bacon on toast" I signed shyly

"Can someone pass me a plate of pancakes and a plate that has taost and bacon on it please" Pietro said thanks to me looking at him i could read his lips

"Thank you Peter" He said after two plates were placed infront of him

"Peter plated up my breakfast" I signed curiously

"Yes he also asked me to ask you to accept the soulmate bond because your mark is still very red. He doesn't want you to be in more pain but he understands if you don't want to accept the bond yet" Pietro signed looking concerned

I take a deep breath and accept the bond because i want to give Peter the chance he deserves plus i know deep in my heart i know Peter won't reject me or hurt me. I look over at Peter only for our eyes to meet and i nod my head at him with a small smile and for him to smile happily at me. I feel someone kiss my forehead and i know it's Pietro so i look at him with a big smile on my face because i finally did something for myself.

"I'm proud of you Dominika, you finally did something for yourself after so long of doing things for other people" Pietro signed with pride in his eyes



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