- Chapter 23: Oh my, I feel sorry for Thor -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

I wake up feeling Peter's body press up against my back with his arms wrapped around my waist and his head in my neck. I just lay here looking out the balcony doors, thinking about everything that happened when we arrived here. Grandmother was right. Even though i wasn't born as Loki's daughter doesn't change anything because i'm his daughter now. I have to make the most of these new relationships without letting my old enemy, fear win. This is my chance to have a family, and so will my sibling because i won't let them be left out on all this. They are, after all, still my family, even though we are only half siblings now, thanks to Hydra. That doesn't change how i feel about Wanda and Pietro. They will forever be my big siblings, my ride or die, and my whole world. I know it's going to be difficult for me to let my grandparents in so quickly, but i know i will eventually, and it will be amazing to have that support system back in my life. I also know that everything will be okay while i'm here because i have peter with me and he will always protect me even though i can protect myself. I think Peter and Loki will be more protective while we are here because of all the men that they don't know that well. I won't mind that since it means i won't have to be looking over my shoulder every five minutes in case one of the men tries something. Suddenly, i feel someone knock on my mental wall in my head, and i let the wall down, knowing it's Loki trying to talk to me telepathically.

"Little one, is it okay to enter your chambers? I have your dress for you wear today and a black suit for Peter." Loki said in my mind, making me smile

"Yes Loki bear, it's okay to come in here, but please be quiet. Peter is still sleeping." I said back to him

"I will be as quiet as what midgardians call a mouse." He said amusingly in my head

"You don't need to keep saying what midgardians call!" I said back as i saw the bedroom door open, revealing Loki

"I will keep talking to you like this so we don't wake up, Peter. How are you feeling this morning?" He asked, still talking to me telepathically,

"Emotionally drained." I said back to him as i watched him place the clothes on the end of the bed

"I'm not surprised, little one. You had quite an emotional day yesterday, but i know today will be a better day for you." He said as he sat on the edge of the bed beside me

"I hope so, i just want to live a drama free life with Peter beside me. May be one day i will have my own family with Peter." I said in his mind with tears in my eyes

"I know you will have that because you and Peter are made for each other, plus you're my daughter, and i won't rest till you have the life you deserve." He said, wipe a tear away that rolled down my cheek

"You really think so?" I asked, tilting my head slightly

"I know so, now why don't you get out of bed and get dressed so we can start our day. Also, make sure to leave a note so Peter doesn't freak out when he sees you gone." He said softly

"I will do that, but how do i get out of this?" I said, gesturing to Peter's arms around my waist

"That's easy with the help of magic." He said, smirking at me

In a blink of an eye, i'm standing in a beautiful bathroom with a dress in my hand, and i know Loki is still in my head because i can hear him chuckling in my mind. Then i see an image flash in my mind of Peter snuggling a pillow, and i know Loki did, in fact, use his magic, so i didn't disturb Peter. I quickly have a shower, making sure to wash my hair to get rid of all the products Natasha and Wanda put on it yesterday. Once i'm done, i climb out the shower, and after i get dry, i put the dress, which, by the way, is absolutely gorgeous (outfit above). I leave my hair down like i normally do because that is how i feel most comfortable because it hides my fading scars from Hydra. When im finished getting ready, i quietly walked out of the bathroom, and i wrote a note for peter using the note pad and pen that was on the bedside table. Then i quietly walked out of the bedroom only to bump into Loki, who looked like he was waiting for me.

"I wanted to escort you to breakfast since you don't know the way." Loki said out loud

"I would like that...dad." I said, finally calling him dad, and i got an ear to ear smile of Loki

"Then let's go, daughter." He said, looping my arm with his

"Are you sure Peter will be okay alone? Will our bond cause us pain because we aren't together?" I asked worriedly as we walked down the corridor

"Peter will be perfectly fine, little one. Plus, i asked Thor to wake him in ten minutes. I wanted to have a few moments with you alone." He said softly

"Are you sure Thor is the right person for that? He will probably end up webbed to the wall after startling Peter awake." I said worriedly

"It will teach the oaf to not be so loud in the mornings, then won't it?" He said, smirking

"Oh, you're up to your mischief ways, aren't you?" I asked with a all knowing look

"I wouldn't be the god if mischief if i didn't little one." He said, winking at me

"Oh my, I feel sorry for Thor." I said, smirking back at him



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