- Epilogue: A hundred years -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

Here, i am stood in the garden on asgard watching Peter chasing after our children a hundred years after becoming the goddess of the hunt and war. A lot has changed since that day. Some of the changes were absolutely amazing, and some of the changes were horribly bad. All those bad changes made me the person i am today because i know those changes were not to break me they were to make me stronger for the people i lost along the way.

The first amazing change happened ninety-five years ago, Peter and I got married here on asgard with all the team in attendance. It was a day filled with nothing but happiness and magic, i will always remember that day because it wasn't just our wedding day. It was the day i told Peter he would be a father. He was that excited he shouted it on top of his lungs, and dad ended up shouting with him. That day was also the day Peter became an asgardian, his ageing slowed dramatically, and his strength more tripled, which he showed because that guard that smacked my ass was on the other side of his strength

Then, nine months later, we had our firstborn son Aries James Parker, who we named after a greek god, which made dad and grandfather laugh a little. We gave Aries the middle name James after bucky, which made Bucky cry, like full-on ugly cry, Bucky couldn't look ugly even if he tried. Aries is the spitting image of Peter, yet he is just like dad, too, because he loves causing mischief every chance he can get and still does now. He also loves to train with Thor because he wants to be a warrior and fight beside Thor on the battlefield.

Then, five years after that, we had our first horrible change. Bucky got killed in an explosion on a mission, hearing that the man i thought of as a brother was killed completely broke me. It took me almost a year to get over his death with the help from the team and everyone on asgard. In the end, i knew he wouldn't want me to be sad. He would want me to live my life in happiness, which is what i did and still do to this day. I wanted to make him proud of me and to show him that the world would be safe with me protecting it. Steve took his death really hard and disappeared for a year without speaking to any of us for that year. When he came back, he hugged me and broke down in tears while saying how sorry has that he left me when i needed everyone the most.

A year later, i found out i was pregnant with twins and boy that was a shock to the system, but yet i knew i would be a possibility since my older siblings were twins. The whole pregnancy was a complete nightmare. All i was doing was throwing up or eating baskets full of grapes and strawberries. That all stopped nine months later when our second born son Apollo Pietro Parker and first-born daughter Athena Wanda Parker were born. They are both spitting image of me, but they have Peter's chocolate brown eyes. They are the angels of the family and follow Thor around every chance they get, and they still sometimes do that to this day!

The major change happened fifty years ago, and that was when Pietro died after having a heart attack, which is something we thought would have never happened, but sadly, it did. That broke me more about Bucky's death. It broke Wanda more, which resulted in her taking her own life, and that added more grief for me to deal with. I lost the two most important people in my life in the space of a week apart. I struggled for years and years until Peter made the decision for us to move to asgard so i could get the support from my grandparents, dad, and uncle. It was hard to leave the team who i thought of as family as well, but it had to do it for my own mental health. I visited them every chance i got with my babies until they all passed away one by one. That's when i made my own decision to stay on asgard until i could face going back to midgard without having all the memories of my midgardian family.

Six years after making that decision, i gave birth to our final child Artemis May Parker, who was our second born daughter. After her birth, Peter and i decided that four children were enough for us because we both had the family we had always dreamed of. Grandmother, grandfather, Thor, and dad have spoilt our babies with so much love. I'm glad i did that dna test when i did because now my babies can have a family surrounding them, a family i didn't have till later in life. The one thing they will miss out on his having their aunt Wanda, Uncle Pietro, and Uncle Bucky in their lives, but i tell them stories about their aunt and uncles every chance i can get so they will never be able to forget them.

"Mama, i have to go train with Uncle Thor. Do you want me to take Apollo with me?" Aries asked, bringing me out of my thought

"Only if he wants to go baby, you can't make him do something he doesn't want to do." I said softly

"Okay, Mama, also Artemis is with Grandmother Frigga doing some healer things." He said, waving his hands around

"Of course she is." I said, knowing just how much Artemis wants to be a healer

"Mum! I'm going to read some books with Grandpa Loki!" Apollo said as he ran over to me

"Okay, kids, you go have your fun. While i take some rest because damn you kids are fast now." Peter said as he walked over and stood beside me

"Bye mum, bye dad! See you later." The both of them yell in unison as they ran away, making me laugh

"Are you okay, princess?" Peter asked, wrapping his arm around my waist

"I'm perfectly fine, Pete." I said, cuddling into his side

"I love you, princess." He said, then kissed my forehead

"I love you, too, Pete." I said, smiling up at him



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