- Chapter 24: It's okay, baby -

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- Peter's Pov -

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- Peter's Pov -

I wake up to the bedroom door banging open and out of instinct to protect my princess, i shoot webs towards the person who slammed the door open with my eyes still closed. When i look to see who it is, i see Thor webbed up against the wall with wide-eyes and when i look down i see that i have been cuddling a fucking pillow! Where is my princess!. I roll off the bed, ready to fight tooth and nail to find Dominika only to see a note on the bedside table from my princess herself telling me she has gone for breakfast. I find a knife next to the note and cut Thor free from the webs feeling incredibly sorry for webbing his loud ass to the wall, but he shouldn't have startled me like that. After he is cut free, i turn around and grab the suit of the bed and go to the bathroom where i have a quick shower, not wanting to be away from Dominika for too long. Once i'm done and dressed in the suit that was left for me (outfit above), i walk out the bathroom and into the bedroom where i see Thor still standing there.

"Loki asked me to escort you to breakfast since you don't know the way. Also, I'm sorry for startling you awake, Peter." Thor said as we both walked out of the bedroom

"It's okay Thor, I'm the one that should be sorry for webbing you against the wall. I think this was what Loki wanted to be honest with you." I said, having a feeling this was one of Loki's pranks on Thor

"That sounds like something my brother would do, i did wake him up the same way this morning." He said thoughtfully

"Did you get stabbed this time?" I asked, knowing how much Loki likes his knives

"He tried, of course, but i moved before he could." He said, smirking

"You're getting better at dodging his attacks. It took you long enough." I said jokingly

"It did take me far too long, little spider. May be i should start teaching you how to dodge his attacks now so it's not too late." He said jokingly

"That would be an amazing idea since i am dating his daughter after all." I said thoughtfully

"That you are Peter, that you are." He said, nodding his head

"Thor, why are there guards following us?" I asked, seeing multiple guards following us

"I'm not sure, young one. They should be doing their guard duty, i will ask my father, who is just through these doors." He said, looking at the guards curiously

He pushes the same big, heavy looking doors that we walked through yesterday, and that's when i see my beautiful princess wearing a blue dress that looks gorgeous on her. I walk straight to her, ignoring Thor, who is trying to talk to me about something that is less important than my girl. But before i could get to her, i saw a guard that was behind me walking up to her at speed and slap her ass making her gasp with tears in her eyes. I ran the rest of the way to her and punched the guard with all my strength, which wasn't a lot compared to the asgardian starengh because he didn't even flinch. Just as i get ready to shoot my webs, Loki is in front of me punching the guard multiple times, not once using his magic, and no one is stopping him at all. In fact, Odin comes over and throws a couple of punches himself, knocking the guard to the floor groaning, but that doesn't stop Loki or Odin. While they do that, i turn around to give my attention to Dominika, who has tears running down her beautiful face and she has her hand on her ass rubbing it with pain shining in her tear filled eyes.

"Princess, come here." I said, opening my arms for her

"Pete!" She cries as she runs into my arms and hides her face in my chest

"It's okay, baby. Loki and Odin are making him wish he never laid his filthy hands on you. I would do it myself, but it seems my strength isn't good enough for this one." I said, feeling angry at myself for not being strong enough

"Your strength is good enough, dear. It just doesn't quite match to asgard strength just yet. Wait until you and Dominika have become one, then you will have all the asgard strength you will need." Frigga said as she stood beside me, looking at Dominika worriedly

"It hurts!" Dominika whimpered into my chest

"Shhhhh, princess, i will ask Loki to get the healers to check you." I said soothingly

"You not only slapped my daughters rear! You hurt her and caused her pain! No one, and i mean no one, hurts my daughter!" Loki yelled as he kicked the guard in the ribs

"For the crime you have committed against the princess! My granddaughter! You will be taken to the dungeons where Loki will see to your punishment!" Odin spat out as he kicked the guard in the mouth

"Thor, go get the healers!" Frigga said, looking more worried

"Peter, could you web his hands together until we have some proper restraints?" Loki asked, stepping away from the bloody beaten guard

"My pleasure." I said, reluctantly removing one arm from Dominika's waist and webbing the guards' hands together

"Thank you, young one." Odin said, nodding at me

"No problem, just keep everyone away from my girl." I said through gritted teeth, feeling my protective instincts come out

"Understood, all guards get out." Odin order coldly

"Yes, all father." They all said with fear in their eyes

"Don't enter unless you have permission from myself and myself alone!" He said strong

"Understood!" They all said in unison, then walked out the throne room



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