- Chapter 16: My princess -

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- Peter's Pov -

I wasn't expecting to wake up without Dominika beside me or having someone try to break down the medical room door, but that's exactly how i woke up. Bruce is standing at the foot of the bed, looking slightly green, and that makes me nervous because if he goes hulk in her with me, then i will be toast. I want to ask Bruce what is going on, but i know it isn't the time to ask that because i can hear the noises getting louder and louder, which makes my senses feel overwhelmed. I watch as Bruce orders Friday to tell the team that we're under attack, and what she said next sent shivers running down my spine. My soulmate is running to us, running towards danger, and im not there to help her or protect her, like i should because i'm in this stupid hospital bed. I tried to talk to Dominika through the earpiece, but she wasn't responding, it makes my chest tighten in panic of loosing her because i can't loose the one person i want to spend the rest of my life with.

"HEY! FUCKERS! YOU WANT A MAXIMOFF COME GET ONE!" I hear Dominika yell from the other side of the door

Hearing her yell for them to get her has me struggling to get out of the hospital bed so i can keep whoever is going to get her away from her. Bruce rushes to my side and pushes me back down onto the bed while shaking his head with a worried look in his eyes. Before i could struggle more to get up, Friday announced that the lockdown procedure had been lifted, and then the everyday door was thrown open. Suddenly, i see Pietro laying Dominika down on the bed next to mine. She looks so lifeless and pale, I'm so used to seeing her full of energy and with a smile on her face. Seeing her like this makes my heart clench.

"Gun shot wound to her left thigh. She is also exhausted due to her losing control of her abilities." Wanda said as she placed headphones back on to Dominika's head

"Everyone needs to get out way. Someone needs to stand with Peter, so his protective instincts take over. I have to take this bullet out immediately due to the unknown of weaponized bullets being used. There's no time to sedate her, which means she may wake up from the pain." Bruce said, rushing over to Dominika

"We got Peter, just help her." Tony said worriedly

"Please, Bruce, help our little sister." Pietro pleads

"I said i will now go to Peter." Bruce said sternly

All of them walk over to me and surround the bed, effectively making a defensive shield so i can't get to Dominika, and i can't see what Bruce is doing either. I sit up without feeling any pain thanks to the pain medication still pumping through my veins, i try to look over Bucky's should since he is the closest person to me. Suddenly, i hear Dominika let out an ear piercing scream, and without thinking, i web Bucky up against the nearest wall wanting, no needing to get to Dominika.

"Thor! Help hold him down!" Wanda said as she pushed me back down on the bed and held my shoulders down.

"I need to get to her." I said through gritted teeth as more of the team held a part of my body down

"I know, Peter, but you need to stay here so Bruce can get the bullet out. He isn't taking pleasure in this. He is doing it to save her life." Wanda said softly

"You got to stay down, kid." Tony said with tears in his eyes

"I can't, Mr. Stark. She's hurting, STOP IT MY PRINCESS IS IN PAIN!" I said, then screamed as i saw a glimpse of Bruce literally digging into Dominika's thigh with a medical instrument

"Tony, you need to sedate him. His protective instincts have taken over." Bruce said urgently

"Pietro, you're quicker than me. It's in the cupboard next to the door on the second shelf with a white and blue label." Tony said as a tear rolled down his cheek, i see Pietro disappear then reappear in seconds

"I did everything. You just have to erm sedate him." Pietro said, looking at me sadly

"No, Mr Stark. Don't do this, She needs me." I beg as Dominika screams again, and i fight to get out of their hold even more

"Tony, hurry up. He's going to make his injuries worse." Natasha said, looking at me sadly

"I'm sorry, kid, please forgive me." Tony said as he injected the sedation into my arm

"Princess, my princess." I mumble, feeling sleepy

"She will be okay, Peter." Loki said, giving me a small sad smile

"He's sedated, Bruce," Tony said, wiping his face

"All of you still need to keep an eye on him. The sedate will only make him sleepy. He can still put up a fight if he wants to." Bruce said as i heard Dominika let out a whimper

"Young peter, stay down, Dr Banner is nearly finished." Thor said as he took over, holding my shoulders

"I'm done, Peter, I'm just wrapping a bandage around her thigh, then i will lay her next to you." Bruce said softly from behind Wanda

"Need to go to her." I mumble out

"She's coming to you Peter, just wait a little longer." Pietro said with tears in his eyes

"Here she comes." Wanda said softly as Thor moved to the side

"She can't be moved, so don't move her. Also, be careful of her IV Peter." Bruce said, laying Dominika beside me

"Mine, she's my soulmate, my princess." I said, turning onto my side and wrapping my arm around her waist

"Of course, our sister is your soulmate. We couldn't have wished for a better soulmate for her. You're perfect for her." Pietro said, smiling at me and Dominika

"Get some rest, kid," Tony said softly



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