- Chaper 18: Already protective -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

Without a second thought, Bruce does what Loki asked and starts to run my dna through the computer's database. I just kept my eyes on Loki the whole time because he definitely knows something that i don't know. I can tell he is very nervous and almost fidgety, which confuses me because why would he be nervous about my dna results. Less than a minute later, i hear the computer beep letting us all know the results are in, but then i hear Bruce gasp in shock. In seconds, all of the team are standing around Bruce. They're looking at the computer screen with wide eyes, i see Wanda and Pietro look the most shocked, and they have gone pale too. I cuddle into Peter, not liking how my siblings have reacted to seeing the results. I want to know what has them so shocked, but at the same time, i don't because what if my new father doesn't want me or thinks of me as a monster. Being made out to be a monster is my worst nightmare, i never wanted to be like this or have my abilities but i do and now i have to live with the possibility of being called a monster.

Suddenly, i feel someone run their fingers through my hair and hear some hushed, soothing words through my headphones. I look up, wanting to know who is giving me the much needed comfort only to come face to face with a teary-eyed Loki who is looking at me with love in his eyes. Seeing him look so emotional made tears come to my own eyes because i'm scared to know what his him this emotional. I know Loki hardly shows his emotions, so what he has seen on that screen must be something good for him to have tears in his eyes. He removes his hand from my hair and places it on my cheek, caressing it with his thumb. I lean into his touch, not knowing what to do or say right now. All i can do is look at him while hoping he says something first so i don't have to because i have no idea what to say.

"I knew it when your hands turned blue while fighting. I knew it. You're my daughter. You're my little girl." He said softly as a tear rolled down his cheek

"W-What, H-How!?" I said in shock because how in the world would Hydra have gotten his dna

"We don't know Dominika, but the results are correct. You are Loki's daughter. Due to them manipulating your dna, you're now a frost giant, asgardian, and human." Bruce said, snapping out his shock

"What's done is done. Now, we can both move forward with whatever you decide you want to do with this information." Loki said as more tears roll down his cheek

"I'm an uncle." Thor said as he walked over and stood beside Loki

"I-I." I couldn't find something to say

"Dominika, you have always wanted to have a parent in your life, and now you have that. Take this with both hands, and do not let go, Loki will be the best dad to you." Wanda said softly as she finally snaps out her own shock

"We will always be your siblings no matter what Hydra did, Dominika, but this is now the start of your new life away from all the past memories." Pietro said softly as he smiled at me

"You can trust him, princess." Peter said beside me, then he kissed my cheek

"May be we can give this whole daughter and father thing a try." I said nervously

"Thank you for giving me this chance, i will try to be the best father i can be." He said, still caressing my cheek

"I'M AN UNCLE!!!" Thor shouted happily

"I'M A FATHER!!" Loki joined him, shouting, sounding just as happy

"I HAVE A FATHER AND UNCLE!!" I shout with them as a tear rolled down my own cheek

"Hang on a damn minute. If Dominika is your daughter, does that make her a princess and goddess?" Natasha asked curiously

"Yes, but we need to go to asgard for the all father to basically crown her princess, and that's when we will know what she is the goddess off due to her true powers showing themselves." Thor said as he looked at me proudly.

"I don't want to go, not without Peter." I said, snuggling closer to Peter

"Peter can come with us, but we won't be going till you have both healed enough to safely travel by bifrost." Loki said soothingly

"Will the all father let him come?" I asked worriedly

"He won't have a choice if he wants to meet his first grandchild." Thor said reassuringly

"I'll go anywhere and everything with you, my princess." Peter said, then kissed my forehead

"So you kids rest up while us adults handle everything else." Clint said sternly

"Yes, sir!" Peter said, saluting Clint, making us all laugh

"Brother, i will go talk to mother and father." Thor said with a small smile

"Don't tell them too much, just tell them we will be coming home for a visit at some point with two guests." Loki said, taking his hand of my cheek

"Of course, wouldn't want to spoil the surprise." Thor said, smirking, which made Loki actually chuckle

"Did Loki just chuckle?" Tony asked, looking at Loki wide-eyed

"He most certainly did." Bruce said, smiling

"Seriously guy's" Nat said, rolling her eyes

"What!? He has literally never chuckled before." Tony said, still looking at Loki

"Well, he has now, leave him alone." I said, glaring at Tony

"Tony, don't start." Bruce warned

"Fine, fine. I'll go order everyone some food." Tony said, holding his hands up in surrender

"You go do that." I said, still glaring at him

"Already protective." Nat said, smirking at me

"She's always been protective." Wanda said, smiling at me



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