- Chapter 20: Let's get you both ready for asgard -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

All i can do is listen to Loki give Peter the protective father talk, and i have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing when Loki told Peter not to kiss me infront of him. I wasn't expecting Peter to say,'Keep it in the bedroom, got it'. Which made me look at him wide-eyed because damn Peter definitely isn't as innocent as he looks. Loki glared at him, and i swear i saw his eyes go red for a couple of seconds. I didn't say anything because why would Loki's eyes turn red for god's sake?

Before, the protective talk can start again. Bruce walks in, telling me it's time to check my leg to make sure it's healing correctly. When he pulled the bandage of my leg, i was shocked to see that there wasn't a mark, bullet wound, or anything on my leg. The only thing that was different was the colour of my skin that is now freaking blue! It's literally blue. I look at Loki with wide-eyes because i have no idea what the hell is going on right now. Loki raises his hand, and i watch as his skin turns blue just like my leg, leaving me in more shock than i already was. Then he grabs my hand, linking our fingers together, and i see my own hand start to turn blue, too.

"You're just like me, but i will never let you call yourself a monster because you're nothing of the sort. You have healed rapidly due to you being Asgardian." He said softly

"You're a frost giant too!" Thor said excitedly from the door

"Yes, she is brother, but it seems she didn't know about untill now." Loki said, keeping our hands locked together

"I never knew. How could i not know!?" I said, still in shock

"You never let that side through. You hide your abilities away, which has affected your frost giant side." Loki said sadly

"I told you to never hide them, Dominika. I can help you if you ever lose control. We promised each other to keep control." Wanda said, walking into the medical room

"Take the headphones off, Sister. It's time to beat the fear." Pietro said, standing beside Wanda

"Together?" I asked, hoping they would still help me

"Together." Everyone said together, catching me by surprise

Without saying a single word, i built a wall in my mind and then took off my headphones, mentally praying that the mental wall works. I close my eyes when i feel the headphones slip of my ears, im expecting everyones thoughts to slam into my head, but nothing happens. I open my eyes and see everyone looking at me proudly with small smiles on their faces. I feel Peter kiss my forehead while whispering a small i'm proud of you, which made tears gather in my eyes.

"See nothing to worry about. Your mental wall is strong, so nothing can get through that." Loki said softly

"No more headphones, no more sore ears, no more signing. It's time to be yourself, Dominika. Your true self." Pietro said with a big smile

"We have to take you to asgard sooner than expected. You will need your grandmother's help to control your mental wall. Dr. Banner, is Peter okay to travel, or does he need more time?" Loki asked, looking at me worriedly

"He isn't healed completely, but i give him the all clear to travel by bifrost. I would like for your doctors or healers to check him every now and then to make sure he hasn't reopened any stitches." Bruce said, looking at the clipboard in his hand

"I will inform the healers as soon as we arrive, Can someone get Dominika and Peter so possessions to take with them?" Thor asked, looking at everyone

"We will. Just make sure they both stay on that bad until it's time to leave." Clint said as he walked into the room, pointing to himself, Natasha, Wanda, and Pietro

"Of course we will, hurry up and get their things." Tony said, walking into the medical room with a tablet in his hand

"Bruce, look at this." Tony said, showing Bruce something on the tablet

"She is speeding up Peter's recovery, too. Their bond has almost been completed, but they haven't done the necessary steps for it to be completed. This is extraordinary." Bruce said, looking at me and Peter in awe

"When a soulmate pair includes an asgardian, their bond strengthens and almost completes without taking the necessary steps. It also makes sense since Peter will be an asgardian prince once the bond is completed." Thor said, shrugging his shoulders

"We will still ask the healers to check on him just to make sure." Loki said, nodding at Tony

"I am here, you know. Stop talking about me like i'm not here." Peter said, wrapping his arm back around my waist

"Sorry kid, what do you want to do?" Tony said, raising an eyebrow at Peter

"I want to go with my princess to give her all the support she needs while being in an unusual place. I don't want to be separated from her for a check up, i want to be with her to make sure she's safe." He said, tightening his arm around his waist

"That's workable. The healers can come to us." Loki said with an understanding look in his eyes

"Also, we won't separate you from Dominika. That will cause you both unimaginable pain due to your bond being strong." Thor said, softly

"I don't think i can take any more pain." I said, remembering all the pain i felt when Peter was hurt

"You won't princess because i won't be leaving your side." Peter said softly, then he kissed my cheek, making me blush

"We're done, and we even brought you guys some clothes to change into!" Natasha said, looking very excited

"Let's get you both ready for asgard!" Wanda said just as excitedly



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