- Chapter 3: Wands!! -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

I see everyone looking at me in shock and i have no ide why, maybe it's because i stuttered or my voice sounds werid but i have no idea which one. I really want them to stop staring it's making me feel uncomfortable and that feeling sometimes sets my power's off. However i don't want Peter to stop looking at me because his eyes on me aren't making me feel uncomfortable at all. Suddenly Wanda stands infront of me protectively with her hands glowing red and i know she is going to fight anyone that says something mean about me. Pietro turns me to face him so i can't see everyone staring at me or so i can't read their lips if they start to talk and really don't know why he did that.

"Are you okay sister" He signed looking worried

"Why are they staring at me?" I signed curiously

"Your voice is affected by it's lack of use and your words were slurred but you still sound like our sister, they just haven't met anyone like you before Dom" Wanda said in my head making me tear up

"They stared because of my voice, i knew i shouldn't have spoke" I said back to her in my head

"Sister your voice is beautiful as it has been, just give them time to get used to all your beauty. I know Peter doesn't care about your voice because he is currently yelling at the team for making you uncomfortable" Pietro signed and i know Wanda projected our conversation to Pietro so he could hear what was said

"I'm never going to fit in brother" I signed sadly then suddenly my headphones are ripped of my head and everyone's thoughts slammed into my head making me cover my ears with my hands dropping my comfort squishy

"Tony! Look what you have done, that is the reason i told you to never remove her headphones!" I hear Fury yell over the thoughts in my head

"Wands!" I slur out in pain as i watch ice surround my feet

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