- Chapter 9: injury free -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

I didn't move from the couch in the livingroom all morning even when Tony threw a fit about still being a snowman. All i have been doing is staring at the elevator while fiddling with my finger's because i don't know what Nat was doing. Plus these past few days have just been so hectic which makes me want to have some alone time. I managed to get that time i needed but now it's been ruined by Tony who is yet again stood infront of me. I just tilt my head at him and keep my eyes locked onto his face to make sure i don't miss what he has to say. Before he could even open his mouth i see Natasha walk out of the elevator covered in blood. I jump of the couch pushing snowman Tony out of the way making him fall on his ass then i run over to her in panic.

"Where are you hurt? How long have you been bleeding for?" I signed in full doctor mode

"I have no injuries and the blood isn't mine little Maximoff so don't worry" She signed with a small reassuring smile

"Don't tell me not to worry when you have been gone for hours and come back like this" I sign angrily

"Fury will think twice before he let's agent's get away with bullying" She signed with a smirk

"He didn't let them get away with it Natasha" I signed shaking my head

"Well they won't even think about bullying anyone anymore" She signed with a unknown glint in her eyes

"Go and get cleaned up then come back here so i can make sure your not injured" I signed still in doctor mode

"You can't be serious" She signed wide eyed

"I'm very serious Natasha, i don't want you hiding any injuries from me" I signed sadly because the thought of her being hurt makes my heartbreak

"Fine but i'm only doing this to prove that i'm not hurt" She signed then got back onto the elevator

I shake my head as i watch the elevator doors close knowing that me and her are going to have one hell of a friendship especially when she is so protective over me just like my siblings. I walk back to the couch then i sit down only to see snowman Tony still on his ass on the floor and i couldn't help but laugh aloud at the funny sight. I see his mouth moving and his wooden hands waving around but i don't read his lips because i don't want to know what he's whining about. I cross my legs then i grab the book that Pietro put on the cabinet beside the couch for me and start to read ignoring Tony completely because he he alone is the reason he is a snowman.

"Dom?" Wanda said in my head making me look around for her

"Yes Wans? Where are you?" I ask her in my head after not seeing her anywhere

"I'm on your floor with Pietro because we ended up going shopping for you because you needed more clothes for working along side Bruce" She said sounding amused

"Why did you jump into my mind then?" I asked curiously

"I wanted to check in on you because i know Tony will be pestering you to turn him back" She said worriedly in my head

"Oh he's pestering but i'm ignoring him completely, don't worry about me wands because you know i can handle myself" I said back to her wanting to give her some comfort

"I know you can handle yourself Dominika but i know how bad Tony can be" She said sounding more worried

"I can be worse Wanda so let him carry on and he will end up being more then a freaking snowman" I said rolling my eyes

She didn't say anything else, i just feel her pull out my mind leaving a little pain and i know she made me feel alittle pain as a warning not to loose my temper with Tony and that pain makes me shake my head. When i stop shaking my head i see Natasha kneeled down infront of me looking worried with Tony on his ass behind her which makes me laugh out loud again.

"Are you okay Dom?" She signed looking worried

"I'm fine, Just had a conversation with Wanda who invaded my mind again" I signed with a smirk

"I hate when she does that, doesn't she know a thing about privacy" She signed with a smile

"I don't think she does" I signed smiling back at her

"Anyway, look i was telling you the truth i'm injury free" She signed then raised her arms and i look her over and bust out laughing when i see she's wearing avocado pj's

"Please tell me i'm not dreaming because i'm seeing a assassin wearing avocado pj's" I signed still laughing

"Your not dreaming little Maximoff, i'm really wearing avocado pj's" She signed looking at me happily

"I wish i could take a picture of you right now" I signed back still laughing

"I already got friday to do that for you" She signed smirking

"Thank god for friday" I signed happily

"By the way Tony is on his ass because i caught him reaching for your headphones" She signed then glared at Tony over her shoulder

"Thank you for stopping him Nat, i don't get what his problem is" I signed when she looked back at me

"He's probably in shock because Wanda and Pietro never mentioned you to any of us before" She signed with a soft look on her face

"Doesn't give him the right to be a asshole" I signed rolling my eyes

"I agree Dom, we will just have to hope he snaps out of it soon" She signed with the soft look still on her face



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