- Chapter 6: Comfort squishy -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

Peter does infact hold my hand the entire way to my floor and not once did he let go which made butterflies erupt in my stomach at how gentle he was being with me. When we get to my floor Peter guides me over to the couch and helps me sit down then he puts my suitcases infront of me so there easier to go through. Once all the suitcases are infront of me he sits on the floor cross-legged next to my legs and signals for me to start which i do. Everytime i unpacked something Peter asked where i wanted it and when i told him he got up then put it exactly where i said i wanted it. The one thing he wouldn't help me with was my clothed especially my underwear he said that those things are private and he doesn't want to see them till i'm ready for that step of our future relationship.

I watch him look around then his eyes land on my squishy next to me on the couch and i know he remembers seeing me holding it yesterday which means he will probably want to reject me now her remember's. I look down at my hands in my lap not wanting to see the look of disgust in his eyes because what eighteen year old has a comfort squishy that they carry everywhere with them needing alot of comfort. I only have the squishy because Wanda though it would help me when i struggle to keep my headphones on because having them on all day every day sometimes hurts my ears. She was right because having the squishy close to me helps distract me from taking the headphones off which will give me a headache, having this squishy has helped me through alot.

Suddenly i feel a finger underneath my chin then my head get's raised up so i'm looking directly into Peter's concerned filled eyes and i want to look down but his finger is stopping me. I don't want him to leave me because i still like childish things because liking those things makes me, well me and i won't change that about myself for anyone. Tears gather in my eyes just thinking about him leaving me and i don't want that because he is starting to mean alot to me the more and more time we spend together. In the corner of my eye i see him pick up my deer squishy with his free hand then he places it on my lap with a small smile on his face and just this small action makes a tear roll down my cheek.

 In the corner of my eye i see him pick up my deer squishy with his free hand then he places it on my lap with a small smile on his face and just this small action makes a tear roll down my cheek

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He removes his finger from my chin and wipes my tear away with his thumb then he sits down next to me pulling me into his side and wraps his arm around my waist. I cuddle into his side loving the affection he is giving me because he is making me feel safe and protected sat here in his arms like this. I could stay here in his arms all day so im going to make the most of it because i know soon enough Wanda or Pietro will come up here to check on me. They have gotten more protective over me since i got my power's and i don't mind it but sometimes they pop up at the most unexpected times.

"I might buy you some more squishy so your deer has friends" He said looking at me with a smile

"Y-Your not disgusted t-that i still l-like childish t-things?" I slur scared for his reply

"Now i'm not disgusted because i know you find comfort in squishies plus liking childish things makes you, you and i find squishie cute too" He said clearly with a smirk on his face

"You like them too!" I slur looking at him wide eyed

"Yes i do, so i'm going to buy myself one and buy you some more" He said slowly with a smile

"A sheep?" I slurred curiously

"Maybe a cow too" He said rubbing my back

"Really!?" I said knowing that i actually squealed

"Yes really, i want you to be happy and if squishies make you happy then i will buy you as many as i can" He said looking at me softly

"They d-don't just make m-me happy, they c-comfort me and d-distract me from taking of my h-headphones" I slur out while blushing

"Well i'm definitely getting you loads them since you shouldn't just have one because what happens if you leave this one somewhere and you don't have another one close" He said looking worried

"Fury used t-to ask agent h-hill to get it me i-if i left it somewhere and i n-needed it" I slur still blushing

"I will buy enough and make sure there will be one on every floor of this compound so you will have one when needed" He said looking certain

"What h-happens if Tony t-takes them or destroys t-them?" I asked not wanting Tony to destroy anything Peter get's me

"If he does either if those things i will take a visit to his lab and see how he feels when someone destroys something of his" He said looking at me but then his head snaps to the direction of the elevator and a big smile makes it's way onto his face

"Wanda and Nat are here to see you princess" He said slowly yet clearly just as Wanda and Nat come into my line of sight

"Dom don't worry about Nat, She just want's to meet you properly since the last time was ruined by Tony" Wanda suddenly said in my head making me jump

"Are you okay Dominika?" Nat signed looking worried

"I'm fine thank you Nat, Wanda just suddenly spoke to me telepathically" I signed back to her blushing



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