- Chapter 10: Natasha fly faster! -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

Its been a week since i turned Tony into a snowman and a couple days ago i reluctantly had to turn Tony human again because he had some work to finish. Right now i'm walk around the compound trying to find Peter or my siblings but i can't find anyone and it's starting to freak me out because surely they should be here. Wanda promised me that if they had to go on a mission in the middle of the night she would wake me so i know where they would be. I can feel myself starting to panic as i walk towards the medical room to see if Bruce is still here because Peter told me he hardly leaves. I squeeze my squishy closer to my chest as i open the door to the medium room and sigh when i see Bruce say behind a desk with some headphones on.

I close the door then walk over to the desk and sit the plastic chair infront of the desk which startled Bruce to the point he throws his pen at me. I laugh out loud at his while holding my squishy tightly because ive not been alone with Bruce before and i don't want to do anything that will trigger him to turn into hulk. He passes me a brown folder with a small smile on his fac, i look down at it only to see Natasha's name and a note written on a piece of paper. The note says 'would you like to read everyone's medical record so your up to date with everything? If you do then start reading Natasha's.

I look back at Bruce and give him the biggest smile i can muster up because he might not know it but reading always helped me calm down. When he smiles back at me i nod my head excitedly then cross my legs on the plastic seat so i'm comfortable and start to read the file. Boy do i wish i didn't read Natasha's first because i'm crying while reading about all the trauma and injuries she's had to endure over the years. Once i've finished reading her's i hand it back to Bruce with tears streaming down my face, he hands me a tissue then hands me Peter's file. Which was big mistake for Bruce to have done because just after five minutes of reading ive thrown the file across the room and i'm sobbing into my squishy.

Suddenly i hear my headphones bleep which makes me frown because they haven't done that before. I start to hear Bruce mumbling to himself and him clicking his pen constant. I'm expecting for all of Bruce's thoughts to slam into my head but nothing happens. I drop my squishy onto my lap and place my hands on my headphones to make sure their still on and to ny surprise they are. Tears gather in my eyes as i listen to all the noises around me. This is the first time im hearing them without having to block my mind. Then i hear the one voice i need to hear right now coming through my headphones.

"Princess, take some deep breaths for me" Peter's voice comes through my headphones making me gasp in surprise

"Sister listen to Peter" Pietro said making me gasp again

"H-How" I slur outload

"How can i hear lady Dominika?" Thor asked confused

"It's because of me, i may have asked Wanda to swap your original headphones with these ones i invented so we can all communicate with you" Tony said making me tear up

"B-But i thought you h-hated me" I slur feeling confused

"Truth be told Dominika, i never hated you and the reason i was being a ass is because i wanted to make sure you are tough like your siblings and that you didn't suspect i was up to something. I'm so sorry for being a asshole to you and i"m sorry i have shitty reasons for it" Tony said sadly

"J-Just please don't be mean to me anymore, i don't want to fight anymore" I slur nervously

"No more fighting i promise, Kid! Watch your back!" Tony said softly then yells making me flinch

"I'm trying Mr Stark! Their everywhere!" Peter said sounding tired

"W-Wands, what's happening! Is Peter safe" I asked feeling myself start to panic again

"We're on a mission Dom- shit! Dom get the medical room ready!" She said but then ordered making my breathing pick up

"Wanda w-who is hurt!" I asked between heavy breaths

"He's bleeding to much, Loki can you teleport him back to the compound?" Tony asked worriedly

"W-Wanda? Pietro? W-Who's hurt?" I asked again between heavy breaths

"No, I've used to much magic and i have no inner energy left" Loki said sadly

"FOR THE LOVE OF LUCIFER HIMSELF SOMEONE ANSWER ME!!!" I yell without slurring making Bruce jump

"It's Peter little Maximoff, Peter has been shot multiple times" Natasha said sadly

"Bruce get everything ready, Peter's been shot" I said looking at a confused Bruce

"On it, tell them to get him here immediately" He said standing up

"Put pressure on the wounds and get him here immediately! Get a fucking move on!" I said starting to feel the pain Peter is feeling because of our bond

"Language!" Steve said firmly

"Not the fucking time iceman! My soulmate has been shot and i'm now feeling his pain because of our bond!. Bucky be a champ and smack iceman for me!" I said angrily

"Do it little one" Bucky said happily

"We are in the jet, Wanda and Clint are putting pressure on the wounds, we will be back quickly thanks to Natasha flying us back sister" Pietro said softly

"How bad Pietro" I asked getting off the chair in full doctor mode

"From a scale of one being he will be fine and ten being critical, he is about a eight and might be noving to a nine uf we can't stop the bleeding" Tony said sounding very concerned

"Natasha fly faster!" I order still not slurring my words

"Copy that little Maximoff" Natasha said firmly



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