- Chapter 7: Run some tests -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

After my talk with Nat i couldn't sleep or even relax so i spent my night and early morning in the gym trying to get all my frustration out on all the equipment. The reason im so frustrated Tony Stark thinking he has a right to say i'm faking my abilities wheh he doesn't know the firstmt thing about me. I'm grateful that Nat told me everything Tony said about me being a fake but i wish he didn't because hearing that has made me angry. It's made me miss a full night's sleep in my very comfortable bed and having this headphones on all night and morning without having any down time has made my ears hurt. I know today i will explode if Tony says or does anything to tick me off since my anger is on a high, a angry Dominika isn't the best of things.

I land a punch after punch on the punching bag and i can already feel the skin on my knuckles busting open due to my stupid ass not wrapping my knuckles up before punching. I just don't know what i have done to deserve such hate from Tony so quickly, is it because he hasn't seen proof of my abilities and if that's what he want's i will gladly show him. Suddenly someone grabs my shoulder and jerks me away from the punching back making me swing my fist at them only for it to be grabbed by Clint who is looking at me worriedly.

"Whats got you so upset that you forgot to wrap your knuckles?" He signed after dropping my fist

"Tony" I signed back simply

"Nat told you like she said she would" He signed with a sad smile

"Yeah she did and i don't understand how he could judge me before he even knows me" I signed then shook my head

"He will always judge till the proof is right upfront if him, give him the biggest show you can kid then he will back off" He signed smirking

"I can't Mr Barton, my power's are still slightly uncontrollable" I signed sadly

"They can't be that uncontrollable kid because you have control over them now" He signed with a soft look on his face

"Your right" I signed realising i kept control of my power's the whole night and morning

"Let's get you to breakfast before Wanda, Pietro and Peter turn this place upside down to find you" He signed with a big smile

"It's breakfast time already!?" I signed in shock

"Yes kid, it's 8 o'clock, how long have you been in here " He signed frowning

"All night and morning" I signed looking down

"Always keep your head held high" He said raising my head with his finger so i could read his lips

"Has everyone been trying to find me" I signed as we both walk out the gym room

"Peter has and he asked me to help before he got Wanda or Pietro to help" He signed as we walk into the kitchen

"Thank god he didn't go to Wanda first, i don't want to get my ass beat by my sister" I signed with a smile

"Spoke to soon kid, good luck" He signed then pointed to Wanda who is stood infront of the full dinning table with her arms crossed

"Where have you been Dominika?" Wanda asked in my head

"The gym because after what Nat told me last night i need to work my frustration out and it took longer then expected" I said back to her in my head

"Don't let the ass get to you, now sit your ass down and eat some breakfast before i beat you with this spoon" She said in my head while slapping the spoon against her hand infront of me

"Yes ma'am" I signed to her

I sit at the table inbetween Peter and Pietro who both look at my busted knuckles worriedly and i just give the a small smile of reassurance. Then i eat the food infront of me ignoring everyone because if i don't i have a feeling something will kick off. Once i'm done eating i lean back in my chair while drinking my coffee enjoying the fresh burst of energy it's giving me. In the corner of my eyes i see Tony's lips moving so i turn my head and read his lips to see what he has to say for himself.

"Since we don't have extensive knowledge about Dominika's abilities i think we should run some tests" He said looking at Wanda with a smirk on his lips

"You do realise she knows what you saying right?, so instead of talking about her like she isn't here why don't you ask her yourself" Wanda said looking at me with a smile on her face

"She knows" He asked looking at me shocked

"She can read your lips Tony" Wanda said smirking

"I'll o-only do the t-tests if your t-the test dummy" I slur out smirking at Tony

"I think that's a great idea, what about you guys?" Wanda asked looking at me proudly and i look around and see everyone nodding their heads in agreement

"Fine but only to prove your a fake" Yont said rolling his eyes

"You won't be calling her a fake for long Tony" Wanda said looking angry

"Should i turn him into a ice pop or a snow man?" I signed to Wanda with a smirk on my face

"How about both, it should teach him a lesson to never judge you again" She signed smirking at me

"Oh i can't wait!" I signed then clapped my hands in excitement

"Why is she clapping her hands and why does she look so excited" Tony asked looking at me curiously

"She's excited because she's going to show you not to judge her every again" Wanda said smiling at me

"What can one little girl do" He said looking at me with hate in his eyes



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