- Chapter 12: Please wake up Peter -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

I've been sat here with Bucky and Loki for god knows how long and to be honest being around them both has kept me kinda calm, even though i have started to feel Peter's pain again but i haven't told them that because they will oniy worry about me. All i want is to be in the same room as my soulmate to make sure what Wanda said is true, it see that he is breathing with my own two eyes, i believe Wanda but it will name me feel better when i see it for myself. Bucky is still going on about how betrayed he s over the fact i don't like eating plums while Loki is being a complete and utter mother hen which is funny to see because who would have thought the god of mischief is being a mother in this situation. I still feel bad for smiling or even laughing while Peter is in the medical room but iknkw he wouldn't want me to be upset, he wants me to be strong and strong i will be because i will not let him down. Also i want to thank Tony for making these headphones because i can now talk to everyone wen they have the ear pieces in without having thoughts slamming into my head, Bucky and Loki still have their ear pieces in so i have been able to hear everything they have een saying. It feels absolutely amazing to finally be able to actually talk and use my voice again after so long, i just hope everyone doesn't wear the ear pieces all the time because i do like to hear nothing sometimes and i definitely don't want to hear anyone snoring at night. I definitely do not want to hear Tony muttering about nonsense in his lab in the middle of the night because that will give me a massive headache, i wouldn't mind hearing Bruce mutter about medical things at night because that will be calming but everything else is a no, no.

"Dom, Banner said you can see Peter now" Pietro said appearing infront of me making Bucky squeal like a girl

"Damn Bucky, are you sure you're a man" I said smirking

"I'm definitely a man doll! That jerk just startled me" Bucky said crossing his arms while glaring at me

"Whateve you say oldman, Pietro are you sure Bruce said its okay?" I asked Pietro wanting to make sure it's okay

"I'm not a old man!" Bucky said pouting, he literally pouted

"She's right Bucky, you're old and Dom it's perfectly okay for you to see him" Pietro said with a small smile

"Carry?" I asked making grabby hands at him

"Of course, can you feel his pain again sister?" He asked worriedly as he picked me up bridle style

"Maybe" I said laying my head on his shoulder

"Ask Banner to give her something for the pain Pietro, she can not stay in pain the whole time" Bucky sid now sounding worried

"I will Bucky, come on Dom let's get you to Peter so you can put your worry to ease" Pietro said softly

Then in a blink of an eye Pietro is now stood in the doorway of the medical room with me still in his arms and i can see Peter laying on the hospital bed wrapped in bandages, he has a IV in his left hand, he has a cast on his left leg and he has a black eye. I want to hurt the person who did this to him in the worse way imaginable, Pietro walks over to the bed and carefully lowers me down onto my own feet and hands me my squishy then kisses my cheek. I look around the room only to see Tony, Bruce, Clint and Natasha are still here looking at me and Peter very worriedly, i give them a small smile not having the energy to talk then properly right now. I look down at Peter and place one of my cold shaking hands on Peter's wanting to feel the warmth of his skin so i know he is still alive and hasn't left me alone in this cruel word, when i feel him lean into my hand tears gather in my eyes.

"Please wake up Peter, i want to see those handsome brown eyes of yours" I said sadly

"He will wake up soon Dominika, his body is in shock at the moment" Bruce said softly yet sadly

"Sit little maximoff" Natasha said putting to the seat beside me, i quickly move it behind me then sit down keeping my hand on Peter's cheek

"Dominika is starting to feel Peter's pain again so is there anything you can give her to ease it?" Pietro asked Bruce looking at me worriedly

"Now bad Dominika? Is it a bad as it was when Peter was on route?" Bruce asked me worriedly

"Close to that" I said removing my hand from Peter's cheek and lay my hand under his hand that has the IV in it

"I can give you some pain relief but it will have to be through a IV so you can have a constant dosage incase the pain intensifies" He said then rushes to get everything he will need

"Peter is you cen here me, please keep fighting because i'm ready for us to go on a date and to live our lives together" I said loud enought for him to hopefully hear me

"You will get to o that kid, he is a fighter" Tony said now standing at the other side of the bed

"I hope so Mr Stark, I can't imagine my future without him" I said then kiss Peter's cheek

"Trust me kid when i tell you that he can't imagine his future without you too because he told e that himself" Tony said with a small smile

"Dominika pass me your right hand and keep very still" Bruce said standing next to me



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