- Chapter 21: Heimdall! To asgard -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

As soon as those words left Wanda's lips, Loki teleported himself and Peter out of the medical room. Everyone else leaves the room while muttering how it's going to take forever for Wanda and Natasha to get me ready. Thor was reluctant to leave at first because his words were that he didn't want to leave at the mercy of Wanda and Natasha, but he did leave eventually. Within seconds, Wanda pulled me off the hospital bed and pushed me into the ensuite bathroom while handing me a towel. I take the hint and have a much needed relaxing shower, which didn't turn out to be relaxing thanks to Natasha banging on the door, telling me to hurry up. I quickly finish washing my hair, then i climb out the shower while wrapping the towel around my body because i know if i don't get out of the shower now, Natasha will drag my ass out. After all that is something Natasha would gladly do, she is always like that when she is excited about something. It's weird to see her so excited about getting me ready. It's confusing, really.

I walk out the bathroom and into the medical room only to see Wanda holding up an orange, gold dress up with a smirk on her face. At this moment, i want to run to Thor and ask him to fly me away from my sister because that smile means she has something planned, and that plan isn't anything good. Then i see what Natasha is holding and i want to run even more because she is holding high fucking heels which is something i have never liked wearing. Before i could run away, Wanda grabbed my arm and pushed me down onto the edge of the bed, then she started to do my hair, muttering about how they should style it. I don't move or say anything because i have no idea what the both of them are up to, but i have a feeling it's not going to be good. When they finished doing my hair, they handed me the dress and told me to put it on, and i go to the bathroom to do just that.

I walk out the bathroom fiddling with the end of the dress, not liking how short it is for going to meet my grandparents who are royalty. Wanda and Natasha wolf whistled at me and signalled me to twirl for them, and i did only for them to clap their hands with smiles on their faces. I walk over and sit back down on the edge of the hospital bed, feeling like a monkey in a zoo right now. Natasha kneels down in front of me and then slides the high heels on my feet, making me internally groan at the fact i have to wear the one pair of shoes i hate with a passion. I do like the colour of the heels and the style, but heels are just a no-no for me and always have been. Don't get me started on my hair. That is styled how i never would have styled it.

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