- Chapter 15: Sister, look at me. -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

Me, Loki, and Wanda work as well oiled team clearing room after room only taking out two enemies who Loki teleported to the cells. I didn't actually have to fight because Wanda and Loki got it under control before i could even use my abilities. Until now, we're standing outside a room, hearing a lot of shuffling going on in there, which makes me feel a little anxious. I summon a wall of ice, holding it in front of me like a shield just as Wanda blasts the door open that reveals three men wearing an all black suit's with the symbol for hydra on their left shoulder. The other two enemies weren't wearing that symbol, so they are either new additions to Hydra or they were decoys, so these three could get what they needed and get out.

As soon as the door lands on the floor, bullets rain down on us, and i pull Wanda behind me so we are both safely behind the shield. I didn't need to pull Loki behind me because he teleports himself behind Wanda the second she was behind me. I placed my free hand out in front of me next to my shield and fired a spike of ice at the closest agent, which went straight through his throat and sent his as to the floor. I stamp my foot on the floor, which sends an extremely thick layer of ice covering everything in the room to jam any signals from any devices they have on their person. Suddenly, as i fired another spike of ice, i feel my headphones being taken off which makes the spike miss it's target, and in the corner of my eye, i see Wanda taking them off with an unknown look in her eyes.

"Face your fears, me and Loki have shielded our minds, but they haven't, us that." Wanda said softly as she hooked my headphones around her neck

"We don't have much time they are coming closer, use all that anger you have inside yourself against them, Dom." Loki said, giving me a small smile

"Stay behind me and do not, i mean it do not touch me." I said firmly

"Stay here, don't touch. Got it." Loki said, nodding his head

"No one will touch you, now let it all out." Wanda said, giving me a stern look

I take a deep breath and send a spike after spike towards the hydra agents while trying to break into the minds to find out why they're here and what they're looking for. I manage to get into both their heads, and what i hear in there is something that ends my anger to breaking point, i will not let them take my soulmate or siblings. I drop my shield and wave my hand behind me, building an ice wall in front of Wanda and Loki. I hear Wanda shouting at me to drop the wall, but i can't, i going to do this on my own so they can't get to her like they plan to. This act gets the hydra agent's attention and starts to fire more and more bullets towards me, but i create a snowstorm around my body that redirects any bullets that come close to hitting me.

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