- Chapter 8: Snowman Tony -

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- Dominika's Pov -

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- Dominika's Pov -

I walk back to the gym holding hands with Wanda and Peter who both insisted that they guide me even though i know where i'm going. Once we are in the gym i stand in the centre of the room with Tony infront of me while everyone else is standing in a circle around us. I wasted no time raising my hands palm up and creating a snow storm inside the circle around me and Tony making his eyes widen in shock. But the snow didn't fall around us, it stuck to Tony turning into ice almost immediately which essentially turned him into a human sized ice pop or ice block if people want to be technical. That's when i decide to do something that i have only done with Wanda when she had her visits, i raise my hands and take my headphones off while trying to mentally build a brick wall to block everyone's thoughts from smashing into my head.

"Dom! Don't push yourself!" Wanda said in panic and it feels amazing to hear her voice properly

"I w-will be okay f-for a couple m-minutes" I slur focusing on the mental brick wall

"Yes! Snowman time!" Pietro said excitedly

"You watched our conversation!" Wanda said angrily

"I couldn't help it! Our little sister is back and i want to know everything so i watch your conversations!" Pietro said then pouted

"Princess ignore their arguing and focus" Peter said making me blush because hearing him call me princess gives me butterflies

I nod my head at him unable to say anything and i flick my hand removing all the ice of Tony who is now looking at me shocked then i make point my pointer finger at him turning it in circles. Infront of my eyes Tony turns into a small snowman that has little feet, sticks as hands, buttons up his chest and has a snow cloud above his head that is constantly dropping snow onto him so he doesn't melt.

 Infront of my eyes Tony turns into a small snowman that has little feet, sticks as hands, buttons up his chest and has a snow cloud above his head that is constantly dropping snow onto him so he doesn't melt

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I hear everyone gasp in shock except Wanda, Pietro and Peter because yhem three are giggle like a cat that has the cream which makes me bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from giggling. I watch Tony trying to walk but he ends up falling on his snowy ass and i couldn't help but laugh at that just like everyone else. Tony just stays on the floor looking at me angrily but him glaring didn't stop me from laughing nothing could at this moment.

"He's literally a snowman!" Bucky said the starts chuckling

"Sister your the best! Friday take photo's" Pietro said inbetween laughter

"Taken photo's already Mr Maximoff" Said a voice from the wall

"We will explain later Dom, now put your headphones on before your mental wall breaks" Wanda said sternly

"Okay" I said without slurring which got a proud look from her, i quickly put my headphones on loving the silence

"Tony want's your to turn him back" Clint signed from his spot in the circle which is beside me

"Tell him no because this is his consequences for judging me" I signed back with a smile and i read Clint's lips as he tells snowman Tony what i said

"He's now whining about how unfair this is" Clint signed while laughing

"Dom do you need to sit down? Are you feeling drained?" Wanda asked worriedly in my head

"I'm feeling alittle drained" I said back to her in my head

"Do you want Pietro to carry you tk the lives or do you want Peter to guide you to the livingroom?" She asked me yet again in my head sounding worried

"P-Peter to guide me" I stutter in my head

That's all she needs to hear because in seconds Peter is by my side holding my hand in his and linking our finger's together with a small smile on his face. He walks me out the gym and back to the livingroom where he sits me down on the couch then runs over to the kitchen. I see the rest of the team and a snowman Tony walk into the livingroom laughing and smiling with each other and i couldn't help but wonder what their talking about.

"Tony is still not liking the fact he is a snowman" Nat signed as she say down beside me

"He shouldn't have judged me then" I signed then shrugged my shoulders

"When will you turn him back?" Clint signed as he sat the other side of me

"When Wanda says he has suffered enough" I signed smirking at Tony

"I love this side of you" Nat signed smirking

"Thank you" I signed blushing

"I think we will be great friends, don't you think so Clint" Nat signed looking at me then at Clint

"You two will be amazing friends since you both like making Tony suffer" He signed with a small smile

"He deserves to suffer after what he said about our little Maximoff" Nat said looking at Tony angrily

"Don't worry about it because he is facing the consequences and i have been called worse then a fake before" I signed like it's no big deal

"Who do i have to kill?" Nat signed tilting her head while looking at me

"No-one because Fury already sorted it all out" I signed with a reassuring smile

"Kid answer Nat" Clint signed looking at me sternly

"Just some rookie S.h.i.e.l.d agent's but Fury already punished them" I sign quickly

"He hasn't punished them if their still breathing" Nat signed then stood up and stormed out the livingroom

"Did i say something wrong?" I signed to Clint looking at him curiously

"No you didn't kid, Nat is just a protective person" He signed with a small smile

"Sister are you okay?" Pietro signed as he sat were Nat once was

"I accidentally told Nat about the rookie agent's" I signed worriedly



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