- Chapter 5: Thanks to Mr Stark-

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- Peter's Pov -

Watching Dominika sign with Pietro kinda makes me feel jealous because i want to communicate with her to know what she likes and what her dislikes are, i want to create a bond with her. As soon as Pietro asks for a plate of pancakes and a plate that has taost and bacon on it i quickly grabbed what he wanted and passed it to him wanting to be the one to sort my soulmate's food. I also ask Pietro to ask Dominika to accept the soulmate bond because my mark on her neck looks more red then it was yesterday. That i don't want her to be in more pain but i understand if she doesn't want to accept the bond yet because we didn't exactly have the best of starts thanks to Mr Stark. I still can't believe what i did to Mr Stark last night after Dominika left the room, everything happened very quickly but i remember everything that happened without even looking at Mr Stark's bruised face.

- Flashback -

I watch as my soulmate disappears from the meeting room in Pietro's arms thanks to Mr Stark's actions, first time i meet my soulmate and it all goes to shit because of the one person i thought i could trust with my soulmate. I pull the webs of Mr Stark and let him fall to the floor not wanting to even help him stand up because why should i when he just basically chased my soulmate away. He stands up looking at me in shock but i just shake my head at him without looking at him, i am actually looking at Wanda who still looks just as angry as me. I feel a hand on my shoulder and i know who it is without even looking, it's Mr Stark and i shrug his hand of my shoulder not wanting him to touch me right now.

"How could you do that to her Mr Stark, She's my soulmate and the one person i thought i could trust" I said not looking at him

"Peter she has to be faking it because Wanda and Loki have telepathy and they don't wear headphones to block thoughts out, why should she need them" He said rolling his eyes

"What. Did. You. Just. Say. About. My. Little. Sister!" Wanda said through gritted teeth and her accent is very strong

"She is faking it Wanda, how can you accept your sister for being a fake" He said leaning against the wall

"She isn't a fake Tony we were all together at hydra i saw everything they did to her, she truly can read minds but it's stronger then mine and Loki's telepathy" She said with glowing read eyes

"There's no way she is stronger then you and Loki that girl is nothing but weak" He said rolling his eyes and that's when i snap

I clench my hand into a fist then swing round landing a punch directly on his face making the other side of his face slam into the glass wall which i know will leave a bruise seeing as Mr Stark bruises easily. Then i stand so i'm towering over him thanks to my sudden grown spurt making me over six foot tall and i lean down so my face is directly infront of his.

"Don't you ever call my girl weak, she is strong to deal with all that power all the time and she is most definitely stronger then you" I said coldly

"What has got into you kid! She is a fake and shouldn't be allowed in this compound!" He snapped at me

"Your what has got into him Tony, you just insulted his soulmate with him in the room which is a big mistake to make" Clint said coldly

"Your really taking that freaks side!" He yells in shock

"She isn't a freak suit of iron, she is a strong warrior who shouldn't be slandered by the likes of man like you" Loki said angrily

"I'm leaving before i do something i know i won't regret" I said then storm out the meeting room ignoring Mr Stark's shouts for me to stop

- Flashback Over -

Since last night i haven't been able to look in Mr Stark's generally direction because all that anger comes back even stronger then it was last night. He crossed a line he knows he shouldn't have crossed because he knows how protective soulmates can be kver each other. Suddenly i feel Dominika's mark on me stop burning and i look over at her only to see her smiling at Pietro and he signs something to her with pride in her eyes. I have a feeling accepting our bond is the first thing she has done for herself in a very long time and if my feeling is right then i'm so damn proud of her for doing it. She deserves to do things for herself every chance she can get instead of just doing things for other, i hope i can bring her self loving side out more.

"P-Peter can you w-walk me back to m-my floor, i-i need to unpack" Dominika said sluring her words but that didn't bother me at all

"Of course princess" I said and watched Pietro sign my reply but his hands got slapped away my Dominika who pointed to her lips then at me

"I'm sorry sister, i forgot you can read lips. Peter if you speak slowly and clearly she will be able to read your lips but make sure to hold her hand the whole way to her floor" Pietro said firmly

"I can do that no problem, hold her hand to guide her, speak slowly and clearly" I said nodding my head with a smile

"Can y-you stay w-with me too?" Dominika slurred with big innocent eyes

"Yes princess, i will stay with you" I said softly and clearly

"T-Thank you" She stuttered while blushing



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