Chapter 18: Familiar

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{3rd person POV}

"Man! I can't wait for today practice!" Bachira cheered as he and the other three arrive at the school gate.

"Are you forgetting something? We don't have any practices until we get good grades" Kira stated, dumbfounded.

"Hah!? What!? Noo!!" Bachira whines.

Isagi just laughs nervously while Chigiri and Kira watches Bachira whines dumbfoundly.

"Yo! Good morning guys!" Raichi cheered with his arm lifted up.

"What's with that guy whining at 7 in the morning?" Kuon stated, dumbfounded.

"Probably because he just knew practice is cancelled due to the upcoming exam" Imamura popped out behind Kuon.

"Yeah... But we aren't worrying about a thing cause we had Jelavić to tutor us" Kira exclaim.

"That two-eyed colour freak? That kid's tutoring you all? Pfft- Don't make me laugh" Raichi stated, crossing his arms.

"Why are you so mean about him? Having mismatched eyes is cool" Isagi spoke up, frowning.

"What? That guy is a freak... Who wants to be around with a fuckin' two-eyed coloured alien?" Raichi exclaim.

"Watch your mouth, Raichi" Chirigi spoke.

Raichi sighs.

"What I'm trying to say is you all already have Chigiri and Kuon... They both are the smartest among us all.. Why still finding a freak for tutoring?"

Kira cleanches his fist in anger as Isagi gritted his teeth.

Right after then, a motorbike pulls over infront of the kids.

They turns their heads at the source and was met with a white motorbike that's getting parked.

They turns their heads at the source and was met with a white motorbike that's getting parked

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The driver took off his helmet as they shake their head.

"Phew... Alright, Iqram-Chan... We're here" they spoke as another figure climb down the bike and proceed to took off their helmet.

The kids got their eyes widen in shock when they saw who's behind the helmet.

"Here, Oikawa-Nii" Iqram spoke as he hand him his helmet.

Oikawa smiles and took it.

"Have a great day, okay? Damian will pick you and your friends today while I go buy some snacks" Oikawa spoke as Iqram nods.

"Roger! See you!" Iqram bid and walks towards the gate, only to meet his bullies and friends.

Oikawa on the otherhand, place the helmet inside the box at the back seat and wears his helmet.

He starts the engine as he press the hand grip, causing a loud roar.

He twist the grip as the bike started to sprint away.

Back with Iqram, he sweat dropped when he looked at the bullies and quickly shift his gaze at his friends.

"Ohayou, Bachira... Kira... Isagi.. Chigiri.. I'm looking forward for our tutoring lesson today" Iqram greeted with a smile.

"Ohayou, Jelavić-Chan! C'mon! I have alot of tea to spill!" Bachira cheered and drag Iqram inside the school ground.

He yelps as he lets him drag him.

"Oi! Don't leave us behind! Bachira!" Kira yell out and started to catch up with the two.

Isagi and Chigiri sweat dropped and follow.

Raichi still got his frown when he watches Bachira and the others interact with Iqram.

"They seems to like him... So you have any plans, Raichi?" Imamura asked.

"I don't know... I don't want the school to know we're friends with a fuckin freak" Raichi commented.

"I have an idea" Kuon spoke, gaining the two's attention.

"What is?"

Kuon smirks and motion them to come closer.

Oikawa on the otherhand was currently waiting for the greenlight at a certain traffic.

He sighs and lean forward, ready to sprint.

'I hope it'll turn out good' he thought and started to sprint when the lights turns green.

Soon, he arrived at his University and parked his motorbike.

He kick down the stand and took of his helmet.

He shakes his head, trying to make his hair fall.

"Aw.. My hair's ruined.." he muttered with a pout amd started to style his hair.

Whispers started to roam around the busy Oikawa.

"Hey, hey... Look.."

"He's so cute and handsome..."

"Is he a new student here?"

"I wanted to get to know him!"

"Is the hottie single?"

"Why don't we have a try?"

Oikawa smiles as he satisfied with his hairstyle and climb off the bike.

He fixed himself a little and started to walk inside.

As soon he stepped his foot inside, everybody's eyes are on him.

He stiffen at the sudden aura but continue to walk like nothing happend.

He started to get anxious and look down with his shirt gripped.

'Please stop staring... Please..' he thought as he shut his eyes close.

Right after that, he bumped into someone causing him to fall.

He yelps and landed on the floor.

"Itte..." Oikawa muttered as he rubs his butt.

"Ah, I'm sorry.. I didn't see you there" a voice spoke as they give him a hand, making Oikawa look up.

He was met with a guy with spikey hair and a pair of dark blue ocean eyes.

Oikawa narrowed his eyes a little and took his hand as he stood up.

"Are you okay, dude?" The guy asked as Oikawa hesistately nods.

"Um.. I think I've seen you somewhere... Have we.. met before?" Oikawa asked, making the guys blinks at him.

"Now you mention it... You did look familiar..." the guy reply, observing Oikawa up and down.

He stopped scanning when his eyes landed on the ring hanging on his neck.


"Ah... That's why.." the guy exclaim, making Oikawa tilt his head.

"You're the guy who always stick around Jelavić (F/N) back at the sport mentor program last year" the guy explain with a chuckle.

Upon hearing his explaination, Oikawa had his eyes widen.

"So that's why you're so familiar.." he cooed as the guys nods.

He then move his hand forward for a shake.

"The name's Kasamatsu Yukio... Nice to meet you..." the guy who introduced himself as Kasamatsu spoke with confident.

Oikawa stares at his hand then chuckles.

He move his hand forward and shake hand with him.

"Oikawa Tooru... I'll be looking forward to be your friend, Kasamatsu" Oikawa greeted with a grin.

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