Chapter 29: Forgiven

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{3rd person POV}

"I'm home..." Oikawa greeted as he step inside the apartment.

"Welcome back, sugarplum" (F/N) greeted back, coming out of the kitchen.

"Oh, (N/N)-Chan... I didn't expecting you... You got home early than usual...." Oikawa cooed as (F/N) hugs him.

"There's not alot of works at the company so I decided to go back early... I also need to check papa's HQ just in case" (F/N) explain and walks back to the kitchen.

"Oh, and Damian will pick Iqram home" (F/N) stated.

Oikawa cooed an okay and make his way to their shared bedroom.

Not so long after, Oikawa walked out with a towel hanging on his shoulder.

"What's for dinner, love?" Oikawa asked, watching (F/N) puts down the dish on the dining table.

"I'm making teriyaki meat and miso sup... I'm feeling a little light headed... So I want to eat something light.." she respond.

"You better swallow some pills after okay? If it's getting worse, we'll see a doctor tomorrow" Oikawa stated, worriedly.

(F/N) giggles at his action.

"You're so cute worrying about me, Tooru" she exclaim and took off her apron.

"Tok tok tok"

Upon hearing the knocking noise, the couple turns at the entrance.

"Ah, that must be them" (F/N) exclaim as she makes her way to the door.

As soon she opens the door, she was met with Iqram, Damian and Akashi at the entrance.

"Oh Sei... Wasn't expecting you to come" (F/N) exclaim.

"No worries... I came along without telling so I'm not surprise" Akashi shrug her off.

(F/N) beamed at him and turns at her otouto.

"Did you have fun at Sei's place?" She asked, ruffling his head.

"It was alot of fun" Iqram reply with no energy.

(F/N) confused at his lack of energy and shift her gaze at the small packaging in his grip.

"Eh? What are you holding, Iqram?" She asked, pointing at the packaging.

"I-Is Oikawa-Nii home?.." he asked, quietly.

(F/N) sweat dropped but nods afterwards.

"Yeah... He's at the dining table getting ready for dinner... Why?"

Iqram look down at the packaging and took a deep breath.

He took off his shoes and walks pass (F/N).

(F/N) who was watching confusily, tilted her head.

"Huh? Is he okay?" She asked.

Akashi then placed a hand on her shoulder, making her look up at him.

"Just watch.." he whispered and walks inside, following with the rest.

Oikawa who was just finish arranges the plate, noticed a glimpse of purple uniform on the corner of his eyes.

He turns around and jolts in surprise to meet with Iqram standing at the entrance.

He sweat dropped and turns his body around completely.

"O-Oh.. I didn't see you there, Iqram-Chan... Welcome home by the way" Oikawa greeted, scratching his nape.

Iqram tighten his grip on the packaging and bit his bottom lip.

Oikawa who's confuse at Iqram's behaviour, decided to walk closer.

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