Chapter 54: Cheat

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{3rd person POV}

"I see you have a fun time cheating behind a Jelavić's back, Oikawa"

Upon hearing the familiar voice, both adults froze and turns to the source.

They were met with Akashi who's standing behind them, arms crossed with a glare.

Oikawa gasped and sweat dropped.

"S-Seijurou? W-What- What are you doing h-here? I thought you-"

"What's with the stuttering, Oikawa? And don't even call me by my first name ever again... I feel disgusted being called that by a dirty cheater" Akashi spat.

Oikawa frowns.

"What the fuck are you saying? Me? Cheat? Why did you think that?" Oikawa asked.

"You ask me why? I can't believe (F/N) fall for an asshole like you... So you said that you're 'too busy' to look after her otouto because you're planning to spend time and money on that female? Hah... Such a shame.." Akashi spat again.

This make Oikawa widen his eyes.

"Who are you calling a fucking female?" He asked, taking a step forward.

"You're not just an asshole but a dumbshit as well... If I said that female, I mean her" Akashi reply calmly, pointing at Reena behind Oikawa.

"You better watch your fucking mouth, Akashi... Respect who's older than you" Oikawa scold.

Akashi raise his eyebrow.

"Respect? You? Sorry but I only respect people who respect myself and my beloved ones..." Akashi reply.

While the two males are having their intense fight, Reena just hid behind Oikawa as sweats started to form.

'Shoot... Shoot... It's Akashi-sama! I-I hope he doesn't regconize me from before! There's no way he would! I changed everything! My eye contacts... My hair... Why must he be here!? Now my date is ruin! Ugh!' Reena thought, biting her bottom lip.

"O-Oikawa-kun... Let's g-go.." Reena beg, tugging his jacket.

Oikawa click his tongue at Akashi.

"You don't have the rights to accuse me cheating, Akashi... I'm just hanging out with a friend.. Aren't I allowed to have fun?" Oikawa argue.


"A friend? You say that female is just a friend?" Akashi scoffed.

"Oh please... You can't lie to me... I could tell by your body language along way from the makeup store..." Akashi stated, making the two choked into their saliva.

"Wha- You were watching from the start?! Wow! I didn't know you're such stalker, Akashi"

Akashi kept quiet and look at the up and down.

Upon hearing no answers, Oikawa smirks.

"Why did you go quiet? Cat got your tongue?"

Akashi stops and stares at Oikawa.

"Are you underestimating an Akashi? You're a brave one... Besides I haven't lost my words... I'm judging (F/N)'s 'replacement' behind you..." Akashi stated, making Reena flinches.

'Shit' Reena thought, shakily turns to Akashi.

Akashi who just stares at her, smirk.

"No wonder you're so familiar... So since you can't get me love you, you chose over someone's in enganged? Wow... The world is so small right, Kira Reena?" Akashi stated.

Reena had her eyes widen.

"W-Wha- N-No way! H-How did you!?-"

"You may changed how you look back then but... you still have the same voice as before... There's no point on lying, Miss. Stalker" Akashi point out.

Reena froze behind Oikawa as she got her mouth gapped.

"What the fuck did you mean by stalker?..." Oikawa cooed with a frown.

"What do I mean? Isn't it obvious? Your little stalker is right behind you"

"O-Oikawa-kun! H-He's lying! I swear! I-I didn't do anything! I'm just a normal human! He's just making up things! Please believe me!" Reena begged, tugging Oikawa's arm.

"Reena-Chan... Calm down... I believe you alright? Just stay close to me.." Oikawa exclaim, pushing Reena behind.

Reena may look scared on the outside but she was proud as hell on the inside.

'The witchcraft really took over him... Finally! My dream has come true!' Reena thought, still with her terrified face.

Akashi stood there, narrowing his eyes.

"How stupid can you be, Oikawa? It's obvious she's lying, judging by her stuttering-"

"Shut it, Akashi! Reena-Chan is a sweet girl! There's no fucking way she'll be a dumb stalker! I believe in her!" Oikawa stood up.

"And you're so naive to believe that shit she lied about... I still can't believe why (F/N) chose you over me... If I were on your place right now, I won't be out cheating behind her.... You do know what will happen if you dare to challenge a Jelavić?" Akashi stated.

Oikawa scoff.

"Just tell me that you're jealous, Akashi"

"Indeed I am... But I'm sure you don't want any of her family members know about this right? For example, that female-"

"Stop calling her a fucking 'female'... She has a name-"

"Oh so you prefer bitch instead? I see" Akashi corrected himself.

"Why you-"

"Pardon me, like I said before, that bitch being taught a warning from (F/N) a month and 3 weeks ago... Am I right, Kira-san?" Akashi stated, making Reena flinches.

She bit her bottom lip and grip onto Oikawa's jacket.

"H-Huh? (F/N) hit you? No wonder you're covered up with bandages! Why did you tell me?" Oikawa exclaim, turning to Reena.

"I-I'm actually planning to, Oikawa-kun.. Can we please go?..." Reena begged, making Oikawa pitied her.

Oikawa sighs and smiles a little.

"Alright... Give me a minute.." he exclaim, looking back at Akashi only to meet him with his phone camera facing them.

Oikawa frowns.

"What the?..:

"Hm? No worries, I'm just getting proof of your doings... I can't promise what will happen to you if any of the Jelavićs found out" Akashi stated with a smirk.

This make Oikawa widen his eyes.

"Why you little-"

"Nice to see you two... Now if you excuse me, I have babysitting to do instead of arguing with a dumb human.." Akashi excuse himself and walk out.

Oikawa just stood there furiously, fists cleanched.

"That bastard..." he cooed.

"O-Oikawa-kun?... Can we go now?.." Reena asked, snapping Oikawa out of his anger.

Oikawa turns to her and smiles a little.

"Yes, of course... Sorry you have to face that, Reena-Chan... Don't take his statement seriously okay?" Oikawa exclaim, turning her body around.

Reena smiles.

"I know I can count on you, Oikawa-kun"

"Yeah yeah... but you have to tell me what (F/N) did to you"

"Fine by me"

'He finally call Jelavić without any nicknames! Good! I can't ruin these moment' Reen thought evilly.

Akashi on the otherhand, watches the two walks off to the cashier.

He sighs and turns around.

"What a stupid choice he made" he exclaim and walk off.

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