Chapter 39: Picture

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{3rd person POV}

"That's what actually happened..." Oikawa ended up his story.

(F/N) was left stunned.

Oikawa looks at her worriedly and tighten his grip.

"Hunny... Do you... trust me?..." Oikawa hesistately asked.

(F/N) stares at him disbelief then looks down.

"How could I know you aren't... lying?.." she asked.

"What else do I need to prove myself, (N/N)-Chan?... Please... I'm telling you the truth..." Oikawa beg.

But (F/N) still hesistate to believe him.

Oikawa sighs quietly and looks down in defeat.

An idea then popped out of his head.

"H-Hunny! Look at this! I-I did what you t-told me to!" Oikawa stuttered and pull out his phone.

(F/N) just spare a glance at him, watching Oikawa tapping on his phone.

"S-See? I-I blocked Kira's number and e-end our little friendship j-just like you asked for! I-I even warned her to s-stay away from me nor contact m-me ever again! Here! R-Read the messages!" Oikawa stuttered again and shoves his phone towards (F/N).

(F/N) manage to grab ahold of Oikawa's phone and looks at him.

She then looks back at the phone and started to read their conversation.

"Did you... answered her calls?-"

"No! I swear I didn't! I miss her calls on purpose j-just for you, hunny!"

(F/N) looks at Oikawa back and forth.

She sighs and give back Oikawa his phone.

Oikawa blinks at (F/N) and hesistately took his phone back.

"H-Hunny?... (N-N/N)-Chan?... It still isn't enough... to prove myself?.." Oikawa stuttered.

(F/N) didn't answer as she got her head down.

Oikawa then started to panic and grab both of (FN)'s shoulder.

"T-Then tell me, (N/N)-Chan! T-Tell me! I'll be willing to do anything to make you trust me again! Please! Just tell me!" Oikawa yell out.

But (F/N) remain quiet.

"Please, hunny... J-Just tell me what I should do to get y-your trust back... Please... I did everything I-I could to fix this out-"


Oikawa immediately stop yelling as soon he heard (F/N)'s respond.

He could feel (F/N)'s body shaking as she gripped onto Oikawa's sleeves.

"D-Do it again... D-Don't be expecting... me to be n-nice to you ever again... Heck... I might even leave- Ah!-" (F/N) was interrupted when she was pulled into a tight hug.

"Don't even finish that sentence... I don't want to hear it... I-I'm just glad you trust me again... I promise I won't do it again... I promise.." Oikawa exclaim, hugging (F/N)'s tightly.

(F/N) couldn't hold back her tears and shoves her face on Oikawa's shoulders.

"You idiot..." she muffled.

The next morning


"Did you get it?"

"I sure do"

Damian who snapped a picture, grinned and send it to a certain person.

"I'm glad Oikawa-Nii and (N/N)-Nee finally bounding again..." Iqram exclaim, staring down at the sleeping couple.

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